The original Bach Flower Remedies is a system of 38 Flower Remedies that corrects emotional imbalances:  negative emotions are replaced with positive.

Someone may say that they are feeling aggressive because of the following reasons:

  • Are not able to get their own way and are being opposed by others
  • Feel they can’t help themselves and just become angry easily
  • Does not take much for them to get angry
  • Aggressive because, deep inside they are bitter
  • Act out of aggression because of impatience
  • Understand that they lack feeling and compassion

Here is the reference  to the Bach Flower Essence that can possibly remedy your aggression using the examples above:

Are not able to get their own way and are being opposed by others (dominating, ruthless)

Vine  helps anyone with a selfish, domineering attitude and an amplified sense of their capabilities.  Helps to recognise the common good.

Feel they can’t help themselves and just become angry easily (fear of mental breakdown)

Cherry Plum is one of the remedies that Dr. Bach grouped together under the heading of  Fear.  Shown by a fearfulness of one’s own thoughts.  Sufferers can shock themselves with thoughts, and may believe they are insane.  Cherry Plum is also the remedy for a loss of control that has already taken place, because of the frantic fear and dread associated with such situations.

Does not take much for them to get angry (envy, hatred, jealousy)

Holly is the essence for feelings of universal love.  Sufferers of the negative Holly state may be generally suspicious, jealous and angry.

Aggressive because, deep inside they are bitter (bitter and resentful)

Willow helps those who see themselves as a victim.  Misfortune or injustice is blamed on others.  Dispels feelings of powerlessness.

Act out of aggression because of impatience (impatient, tension)

Brings patience, helps those who are frustrated by the slowness of those around them, and who believe that they can do everything best.

Understand that they lack feeling and compassion (envy, hatred, jealousy)

Not only is holly the essence for someone who becomes aggressive easily, it is also the essence for those who feel they lack compassion.  As stated above, holly is the essence of universal love.  Sufferers of the negative Holly state may be generally suspicious, jealous and angry.

Dr. Edward Bach stated in 1936:  “Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeals to most of us”.  He studied medicine first in Birmingham and later at the University College Hospital in London, where he was House Surgeon.

One day in 1917, Dr. Edward Bach collapsed and suffered from a severe haemorrhage.  Colleagues operated to remove a tumour and he was told he had only three months to live.   The three months came and went and he found he was in better health than ever and was convinced that his sense of purpose was what saved him.

Dr. Bach aspired to a more holistic approach to medicine – even though his research into vaccinations was going well, he was dissatisfied in how doctors were expected to concentrate on diseases rather than the person.  Dr. Bach noticed a correlation between his work on vaccines and the principles of homeopathy during his post at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.

In 1936, Dr. Bach and Nora Weeks (his assistant and radiographer) moved to a house called Mount Vernon in the Oxfordshire village of Brighwell-cum-Sotwell.  Dr. Bach’s body and mind were so in tune with his work that he would suffer the emotional state that he needed to cure and try plants and flowers until he found the one that would help him.  This is how he completed his life’s work – by trial and error.

Dr. Bach passed away peacefully on the evening of November 27th, 1936 – 20 years after he was told he only had three months to live.

Dr. Bach sets a great example to live with purpose and to follow your life’s passion.  He also exemplifies that one person can be the conduit of positive change in our world.


For more information about Bach Flower Remedies, The Bach Centre and extensive bio of Dr. Edward Bach, please visit the Back Centre’s website:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!