What does perseverance mean to you?  If something gets in the way of any goals you set, do you give up on those goals?  If your goals are in line with what you are really passionate about, only success can come.  The universe will keep whispering in your ear and keep sending you messages to continue to pursue that passion.  What role does education have in meeting your goals to live the life that you are passionate about?  Sometimes pursuing your passion is not always easy and some of us are not really sure what we want to do as a career because we are caught up in what family and society deems to be the desirable jobs and how much money we can make in those jobs.

I was never fully present in terms of knowing what I wanted to do – I lacked self-confidence and direction.  My mind was to preoccupied with personal issues that I completely lost myself.  I knew I loved the environment but I lacked the direction and focus I needed to remove the cloudiness and distractions in my life.  I wasn’t ready to listen to the universe.  How are we expected to fulfill our goals or passions when we are shuffled along like sheep through elementary school, junior high school, high school and, for those who are fortunate, college or university only to come out with a massive debt load?  The business of education is not what it used to be – it is not about the student anymore but about the teacher’s unions, tuition, salaries, and revenues – education is lost.  Today, students come out of university with debt they can barely manage and their certificates can’t even guarantee them a job. 

After finishing high school and receiving my diploma, I was still unclear of what I wanted to do.  My parents didn’t push university on me but did say that if I didn’t go to school, I would have to get a full-time job.  During this time – I ignored all the messages the universe was sending me to find my true authentic self and life and to live through my passions.  I continued my life of distraction and fell into the belief that we all have to follow the pattern – get a job, buy a car, have a family and do the same thing day after day after day, so I did.  I was told that if I wasn’t happy in what I was doing, that I should go back to school and study something that I enjoyed and get a degree in that field.  Unfortunately, I didn’t know what I enjoyed.  I went to community college for a year and enrolled in a psychology class, I finished the term, did well in the class but never returned.

For years, I continued to work at the market research firm and shuffled through life as everyone else did.  I can’t remember the exact details as to why I left the market research company, but I did.  I began to really listen to my inner-voice and knew I had to deal with my internal struggle and be true to who I was.  I battled depression, alcoholism, drug abuse all because I feared to be and live my true authentic life.  I knew that in order to move forward in my life, I had to be honest with myself.  This began my journey in rediscovering myself.

At the age of 21 – I left home and moved in with my first serious boyfriend.  I was being true to myself and managed and loved it.  I also found a job in a hotel that serviced the gay community.  Despite the hotel being in a not-so desirable location, my work schedule hours (11pm to 7am), and my attitude problem – I loved the job and came to enjoy the service industry.  I stayed there for a year (I was wrongfully dismissed, but that’s another story) and decided I wanted to work in a hotel that allowed me the opportunity for growth and to learn more about the industry.  I managed to get a job with The Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel and worked their as a Guest Service Agent.  I then became the Regular Guest Coordinator/Front Desk Trainer and eventually a Guest Service Manager.  I gained much experience and made many good friends there.  But, life’s distractions found me again. 

My 5 year relationship with my partner ended, a new relationship began and the demons I had been fighting with my whole life, reared their ugly head.  I struggled with my new relationship because of those demons and almost lost the most important person in my life (now my wonderful husband).  I was then faced with another life changing event – the loss of my job.  After the events of September 11, 2001 – the hospitality industry suffered huge financial loses because people didn’t want to travel.  Our occupancy rate went from the high 90’s to way below 50%.  Shortly after, I was laid-off.  Was this another sign from the universe telling me that I needed to focus and live my life through what I was passionate about?  If it was, I didn’t listen.

I decided to take some time and really think about what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be.  I would find a part-time job and take the time to investigate my options.  After about a month – I applied for a job that was listed as part-time, was called in for an interview, was successful in getting the job (which ended up being full-time) and almost 12 years later – I continue to work at this job.  The difference now is that I am comfortable working in a job I enjoy and with people who I like, but know that this is only temporary.  I am currently and slowly working on my certification in holistic health and have discovered I have a love for painting.  I do have plans to run my own business but understand that I don’t have to stress myself out in meeting those goals.  I am also not allowing those obstacles to deter me from achieving my future goals. 

The current challenge I am facing in becoming self-employed is finding financing.  Becoming self-employed is not as easy as it was in the past.  If you don’t meet the obligations that the government and financial institutions set forth – find other ways.  Banks and governments make you jump through hoops just to process a loan application.  If I can’t meet my ‘start-up’ financial goals through normal means, then I have to be creative and put my trust in the universe and my talents to allow my passion to flow.  My dream will happen, it will just take a little more time.

All the job experiences I have received (market research, hospitality, finance, accounting), the sporadic courses I am taking (holistic health, spiritual psychotherapy), my drive and the passion I have will eventually allow me to operate a business that will inspire people to create positive change in the world.  Here is a brief synopsis of the business I want to start:

My holistic health/spiritual Bed and Breakfast/Retreat will offer a place for people to come and relax, meditate, be with nature and enjoy vegetarian/vegan cuisine.  It will be a waterfront property and as ‘green’ as possible (solar-powered).  I will offer yoga classes/meditation sessions/holistic health education/nutritional advice and reiki.  The retreat or B&B will be in a location where individuals can reconnect with mother nature – hike, canoe, sight see, kayak or just lay back and enjoy the sun and have a swim.  I will support local businesses and organic farms.  I will support companies who have the same values and respect for the planet, animals and the environment as I do.

My intention for my business is set in motion and released into the universe.  I continue to work towards making this goal a reality.  In order to meet my financial goals, I will be selling my original art pieces and creating a GoFund me account to secure financing and lender donations.   

More information to follow, progress report and a link to GoFund me account will be posted in the coming weeks.  I will also work on creating a shop on this site where you can purchase my original works of art.

Path To Love

PATH TO LOVE – original piece by Robert Pavao (2013)

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!