There is no denying that climate change is a reality and is happening now.  What is uncertain is the impact and devastation that climate change will have on the planet.  We have witnessed ‘super storms’ that have wreaked havoc in places all around the world.  These storms cause and continue to cause tremendous amount of pressure on world economies which are already fragile, not to mention the destruction, animal and human displacement and continue pressure on the environment. What do we do?  Are there viable solutions?  Yes, I believe there are some excellent solutions on how we can ease these pressures and Jacque Fresco is at the helm of a very viable and sustainable solution.

Here is a video that explains his ideas, we must plead with our governments to ensure that these ideas become realization.  We must mobilize and demand better from our governments, corporations and each other to ensure we have a habitable planet in 20 years.  Enjoy the video:

For more information about Jacque Fresco, his organization and The Venus Project, please visit their official website at:

Save The Earth

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