How would you feel if your home was destroyed and your loved ones killed?  That is precisely what is happening in this region of the world, more specifically, Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Virunga National Park is Africa’s oldest park.  It borders Uganda and Rwanda and is the continent’s most biologically diverse protected area.  It covers 7800 kilometers (3000 square miles) and includes forests, savannas, lava plains, swamps, erosion valleys, active volcanoes, and glaciated peaks of the Rwenzori mountains.

The park is composed of three sectors:

  1. The northern sector – Rwenzori mountains that border Uganda.
  2. Lake Edward – The Isasha river valley and the Rwindi plains are the dominant geographical features that define the parks central sector.
  3. The southern sector – Best known for the mountain gorilla’s that live on the flanks on the dormant Mikeno volcano.

Why should you care?  The park is in another continent and we are nowhere near the political conflicts that are happening there.  Just because the conflict is happening elsewhere doesn’t mean that we are not obligated to do whatever we can to help.  We are all citizens of this planet and it is in our best interest to speak out against human, environment and animal atrocities.

Our planet continues to be raped for its natural resources.  Big businesses are buying governments all over the globe for those limited natural resources.  Wars are waged, animal and human lives are lost all at the expense to earn a big corporation more money.  This is absolutely wrong and must end.

When I talk to people about environmental disasters, the inhumane treatment of animals and human rights violations they turn a blind eye and figure that there is nothing they can do.  They are wrong.  All they have to do is take interest and act – and this can be done right from home.  First, educate yourself about the issue then decide what your plan of action is.  I make monetary donations when I can but mainly share information via social media as I am now.

So, what can you do about helping Virunga National Park?  Here are two suggestions:

  • Educate yourself by watching the amazing documentary Virunga – this is available on Netflix and via live stream on the official movie website: 


  • You can learn about the Virunga National Park, what they do, current projects and all sorts of other information on the parks official site:


Virunga National Park is pivotal in protecting the few remaining mountain gorilla’s.  They also help protect the elephants in this region.  Virunga’s elephants drastically reduced in numbers due to poachers from 3000 to approximately 400.  In the last year – the Mabenga herd was hit particularly hard – less than 100 remain and are in grave danger of being wiped out entirely.

The park supports local villages and citizens.  It supports the families of rangers that have been lost due to the conflict and fighting in the region.  How can we not assist people who have such passion to protect a national treasure and all its inhabitants, with their lives?  It is our duty and it is our right. 

It’s time that we start a revolution of love and a revolution for the planet and our environment.  We need to give a clear message to those who wish to see our planet destroyed because of their love of money.  We need to rise and form a coalition to protect the planet from further destruction.  Together, with strength, we can make the difference that is needed.

Please support Virunga by visiting  http://virunga.org/the-park/ and http://virungamovie.com/ be part of history and a revolution of love.

Virunga Volcanoes

Virunga Movie Poster

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!