Have you ever thought about how you treat yourself on a daily basis?  Have you took notice of how you react to other people and certain situations?

I try to take notice of everything I say and do to myself or to others because ultimately, what you do or say affects every aspect of your physical and emotional state.

Why should we get angry and irritated about getting stuck in traffic?  It is frustrating but, you don’t know the reason for the jam.  If the traffic jam is a result of someone dying in this accident, wouldn’t that make the complaining pointless and irrelevant?  Wouldn’t your mood instantly change from anger to gratitude that you are alive and empathy for the friends and family of the person who died?

Why hang on to thoughts of anger, sadness and anxiety?  These thoughts will only allow the low-energy feelings to stay with you.  Next time you feel this way – try to acknowledge these feelings and think about the events that may have brought on these feelings.  Could it be an inter-action you had with a family member, co-worker, friend or spouse?  Could it be something you ate?  Could it being medication or recreational drugs and alcohol?  Recognizing what brought on these low-level energy feelings is the first step in moving towards creating postive change and positive feelings.

Motivate yourself by feeding your body and mind the things that promote positive energy.  If someone in your circle of friends is creating “static” in your life and becomes a beacon of negativity – remove yourself from that circle until the situation changes.  This is relative to family members as well – if a family member is sucking the positive energy out of you and only spews negativity, maybe it’s time to stay away from them for a while.

If low-level feelings are brought on by your job, maybe it’s time to think about changing careers.  Think about something you are passionate about and make that your job.  If you eat a lot of fast-food, carbonated soft drinks, milk or other processed foods and have many low-energy thoughts, maybe it’s time to incorporate more organic and plant-based foods into your diet.  Even the lack of exercise can bring on low-level energy feelings….change this by going jogging, doing yoga, weight-lifting, cycling and something as simple as going for a walk in the park.  

You will be surprised how much clarity, good emotional and physical health you can receive by incorporating a plant-based diet and exercise program into your life.  Don’t you deserve to have optimal emotional and physical health.  Should you not have a more holistic and proactive approach to your well-being as opposed to  medicating it with pharmaceutical drugs or unhealthy food?

Don’t be too judgemental about what you do.  Approach this part of life as an educational process.  You have learned all your current habits and you can certainly un-learn them.  Don’t be too hard on yourself if you fail at something or you don’t reach a goal you set for yourself – just pick yourself up and move forward.  Acknowledge your low-level feelings with love and thank the universe for allowing you to address them.

Isn’t it time to be kind to yourself?  By being kind to yourself, you ensure that you are kind to others.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!