I believe that a proper diet, exercise and meditation is superior to maintaining good health.  The studies continue to show the amazing health benefits of what a plant-based diet can do in terms of lowering cholesterol, reversing diabetes, high blood pressure and even curing cancer.  We know and understand that putting toxins into your body is not good.  Processed foods, factory farming, pesticides in our soil, pollution and chemicals in our water all contribute to poor health.  Saying this, why is there a huge and sudden push for vaccinations?  Is there really a sudden outbreak of diseases that we must be vaccinated against?  And if so, should we, as individuals, have the right to choose whether or not we want to be vaccinated?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Why the sudden push for vaccination?
  • Who tends to benefit from mandatory vaccinations?
  • Is there a life/death outbreak of disease that requires vaccinations?
  • Shouldn’t putting toxins into your body be the choice of each individual within the legal age?
  • What will mandatory vaccinations impose on us next?

I understand that people who are in favour of vaccination are afraid for their well-being and the well-being of their children but, how about the rights of those who are against the vaccinations and their well-being? 

I know many people out there are inclined to believe that everything that our government legislates is in our best interests.  Need I remind you of the following the government has indicated was in our best interests:

  • Slavery/Segregation
  • The Viet Nam War
  • 9/11
  • The Invasion of Iraq
  • Mandatory HPV inoculation
  • Monsanto
  • The lack of banking regulations around the world
  • Support of BIG CORPORATIONS (oil/agriculture/pharmaceuticals)
  • Women’s reproductive rights (abortion laws)

We should all have the right to choose what we do with and to our bodies.  What happens when the right of free choice is taken away from us?  What next?  Will governments instruct women on when and how many kids they should have?  What if a political party is pro-life, will they instill legislation that will not allow the women’s right to choose what she does with her body? 

You can have micro-chips implanted into our pets to help us locate them if they are lost.  There continues to be debate on the same type of micro-chips for humans.  Apparently, this chip would list all previous medical history of that person.  But is that the only information that chip would include about a person?  Would this be another way for governments to keep track of us.  These types of initiatives or inventions seem more to the benefit of our governments to instill more control.  Is that no different from vaccinations?

The bottom line is – if you want to trust that vaccinations are in you and your family’s best interest, then vaccinate.  However, don’t impose your views and judgements on those who decide not to.  I personally, do not want more or my free choice taken away from me. 

Here are some videos on the subject of vaccination:

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