We all know and understand that food plays a very important role in how you feel.   We need to feed our bodies food that will provide proper nutrients and minerals so that we can have energy throughout the day and function at optimal health levels.  Our bodies will let us know what foods makes us feel good or make us feel bad. 


A diet that consists of sugary, processed, meat and unnatural foods can increase cancer rates, diabetes, heart disease and stroke because of the artificial flavours and colours, GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), MSG (monosodium glutamate), trans fat, antibiotics and hormones.  Here are some foods that are consumed in large quantities and why they are bad for your body and overall health:


  • Doesn’t provide the calcium our bones require
  • Increases risk of fractures
  • Mother’s milk is good for babies i.e., human to human, cow to calf, goat to goat, etc. once weaned off milk, animals and humans never need milk again.


  • Contain artificial preservatives which are very toxic to the body
  • Most meat today, contains antibiotics and hormones
  • Many animals are raised on foods that are unnatural to their diet and are fed GMO’s
  • Ingesting inhumane meat is unhealthy for the body and soul (the trauma and violence an animal goes through – all that negative energy is then consumed and lives within those who eat it)

Processed Foods (mostly boxed and packaged for longer shelf life)

  • Can be high in added sugars, low in fiber and whole grains, processed with sodium, high in fat or include trans fat and lots of saturated fat

Soft Drink/soda/pop/colas 

  • Too much sugar
  • No nutritional value
  • Could cause early menstruation in young girls


Eating a plant-based diet consisting of 80% fresh, raw and organic produce is vital for our bodies to receive proper minerals and nutrients.  Eating a plant-based diet, consisting of more vegetables than fruit is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • More energy and less fatigued
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower risk of cancer
  • Better blood sugar 

You can provide the body all the proper nutrients, vitamins and minerals on a plant-based diet that includes whole grains, seeds and nuts.  Taking a proactive approach to our diet is a great way to prevent illness and maintain a healthy body.

Eating a vegetarian and vegan diet is not only a health benefit to you, it is an excellent way to be environmentally conscious and save hundreds of animals from being slaughtered/murdered.


 Together, we can make the world a more positive one!