How many times have we heard people saying:  “one person can’t make a difference”?  Well, today’s blog post will focus on environmental issues of one person or one community working towards making a difference for the greater good of the environment.  Enjoy!

Oslo, Norway – Imports garbage from England, Ireland and neighbouring Sweden to heat half of the city and most of its schools by burning garbage such as; household trash, industrial waste and even toxic and dangerous waste from hospitals and drug arrests.

Palo Alto, California, USA – Embracing new laws to promote electric vehicles, city officials adopted a policy mandating that every new house be wired to accommodate charging stations for electric vehicles.

Video – The Ocean Cleanup Array Project

Boyan Slat, an 18-year old Aerospace Engineering student at TU Delft, developed this project that collects and removes plastic trash from the ocean:


The Truth about Wind Turbines

It is amazing when the concepts and ideas of individuals are brought to life and given a chance to prove their success.  Without trying we would never know.  So why is it taking so long for people to warm up to sustainable energy and innovative ideas that will curb climate change and benefit our environment?  Could it be that those who support ‘dirty oil’ and those who benefit from it won’t be able to amass the profits they would should the public warm to the idea of sustainable energy?  YES, that is precisely why.  Profit is much more important than the sake of our planet – until, WE THE PEOPLE, demand better.  We need to stand together and collectively create positive change in the world through peaceful protest. 

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


New Zealand is the latest nation to pass legislation in support of gay marriage…..check these videos out:

New Zealand is the 13th nation that has legalized same-sex or gay marriage.  The other progressive nations are:  Portugal, Uruguay, Iceland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Spain, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Argentina and Denmark.

It is wonderful to know many countries and people are moving forward with love, acceptance and wanting equality for all.  I am grateful to live in a world that is moving towards a more positive outlook on many social issues. 

I hope other countries follow in New Zealand’s footsteps!  Now let’s take the same approach to environmental issues!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!