Social media is a great avenue to attain first-hand information about current advocacy groups and movements.  Whether it is your friends posting information about petitions to sign or sharing information about certain peaceful demonstrations like; the “Occupy Movement” or “Idle No More”…..but do people really understand what these movements or petitions are all about?  Do we really take the time to educate ourselves on whatever movement you stand behind?  Do we blindly sign petitions that friends send to us via Facebook or do we actually read the context of whatever petition it is that you are signing?

Personally – I like to educate myself on the topics that are of importance to me and I will make an effort to sign petitions or send letters to my member of parliament on environmental issues, the humane and ethical treatment of animals and issues relating to gay and lesbian rights.  Needless-to-say, this does not mean the I will close myself off to any other petition or movement that perpetuates the mis-treatment of another group/people.

So what are the motives of some of the movements that are happening as we speak – let’s take a look:


***this information can be found on the official ‘Occupy’ website:

The occupy movement is an international movement driven by individuals like you.  All of us have many different backgrounds and political beliefs but feel that, since we can no longer trust our elected officials to represent anyone other than their wealthiest donors, we need real people to create real change from the bottom up.  Organized in over 100 cities in the United States, occupy aims to fight back against the system that has allowed the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer.  We no longer want the wealthiest to hold all the power, to write the rules governing an unbalanced and inequitable global economy, and thus foreclosing on our future.


The occupy movement, originally initiated by a call from Adbusters to “Occupy Wall Street,” was inspired by several international protests, most notably, the Arab Spring protests.  Thousands answered the call and arrived in Zuccotti Park, at the heart of New York City’s financial district, to protest the damaging influence of corporations on politics as well as social and economic inequality.  Hundreds stayed every night for two months and created an encampment in the park, a model that was adopted by people all over the country as the movement spread to well over 500 cities.

TUNISIA (December 17, 2010) – Twenty-six-year old produce vendor Mohammed Bouazizi sets himself on fire in response to years of petty police harassment in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia.  His self-immolation sparks a wave of protests against the decades-long autocratic rule of President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.  After four weeks, Ben Ali is forced to dissolve parliament and flees to Saudi Arabia.

EGYPT & THE ARAB SPRING (January 25, 2011) – Using door-to-door canvassing and social networking, the people of Cairo organize a mass protest on Police Day demanding an end to harassment, repression and torture.  What follows is an 18-day uprising against President Hosni Mubarak’s dictatorship.  Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians stream into Tahrir Square after the regime blocks internet traffic and send thugs to attack protestors, swinging world opinion against Mubarak.  On February 11, the regime falls, inspiring an Arab Spring of pro-democracy activism from Yemen to Bahrain to Syria.

WISCONSIN & OHIO (February 17, 2011) – More than 20,000 Wisconsinites protest Gov. Scott Walker’s austerity budget and his attack on collective bargaining carrying signs and Egyptian flags, protests draw a parallel between their struggles.  In the weeks long rebellion, hundreds of thousands occupy the state capitol in Madison; hundreds of students are arrested.  In Columbus, Ohio, nearly 4,000 protest against similar attacks on the public sector and worker’s rights.

SPAIN (May 15, 2011) – Protests against austerity and unemployment erupt in 58 Spanish cities, beginning the 15 M Movement.  More than 1,000 indignados, occupy the central square, Puerta del Sol; in the weeks that follow, hundreds of thousands gather in public spaces, holding mass assemblies and peaceful sit-ins to demand greater say in the political process.  Embracing participatory democracy, they reject traditional parties and the rule of finance that imploded the country’s economy.

GREECE (May 25, 2011) – Tens of thousands gather in Athens after plans are announced to dramatically cut public spending and raise taxes in exchange for a €110 billion bailout.  Sustained strike and demonstrations many of them organized on Facebook, rage across the country.  The aganaktismenoi, or indignants, are met with tear gas and police violence.

OCCUPY WALL STREET (September 17, 2011) –  Occupy Wall Street begins as 2,000 people respond to the Canadian magazine Adbusters’ call for an end to corporate influence in the political process.  After police block them from Wall Street, then One Chase Manhattan Plaza, a few dozen occupiers regroup at Zuccotti Park several blocks north of the New York Stock Exchange.  The rename it Liberty Square as an homage to the Egyptian uprising that began in Tahrir Square in January.

For more information about the Occupy Movement – please visit their website:


***this information can be found on the official ‘Occupy’ website:

Mission and Plan of Action

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Idle No More calls on all people to join in a revolution which honors and fulfills Indigenous sovereignty which protects the land and water. Colonization continues through attacks to Indigenous rights and damage to the land and water. We must repair these violations, live the spirit and intent of the treaty relationship, work towards justice in action, and protect Mother Earth.

On December 10th, Indigenous people and allies stood in solidarity across Canada to assert Indigenous sovereignty and begin the work towards sustainable, renewable development. All people will be affected by the continued damage to the land and water and we welcome Indigenous and non-Indigenous allies to join in creating healthy sustainable communities. We encourage youth to become engaged in this movement as you are the leaders of our future. There have always been individuals and groups who have been working towards these goals – Idle No More seeks to create solidarity and further support these goals. We recognize that there may be backlash, and encourage people to stay strong and united in spirit.

Press Release: January 10, 2013 for immediate release

Written by

Idle No More grassroots founders and organizers from across Canada, in solidarity with Common Causes—a new initiative bringing together social justice, environmental, labour and other activist groups—are planning a national and worldwide day of action on January 28th, 2013. This day of action will peacefully protest attacks on democracy, Indigenous sovereignty, human rights and environmental protections when Canadian MPs return to the House of Commons on January 28th. As a grassroots movement, clearly no political organization speaks for INM. This movement is of the people for the people.

The vision of INM revolves around Indigenous ways of knowing rooted in Indigenous sovereignty to protect water, air, land and all creation for future generations. The Conservative government bills beginning with Bill C-45 threaten Treaties and this Indigenous vision of sovereignty. The goal of the movement is education and to revitalize Indigenous peoples through awareness and empowerment. INM has successfully encouraged knowledge sharing of Indigenous sovereignty and environmental protections. This message has been heard around the world and the world is watching how Canada responds to the message sent by many INM supporters.

INM urges the government of Canada to repeal all legislation which violates Treaties, Indigenous sovereignty and subsequently environmental protections of land and water. INM is grateful to many leaders who have supported this vision and the movement of the grassroots people. “The Treaties are the last line of defense to protect water and lands from destruction,” stated Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper Turtle Clan, Onondaga Nation Council of Chiefs.

For more information about the Occupy Movement – please visit their website:

In order for change to happen – we must demand it.  We can’t be conduits for change without being active – as one of my favourite groups sang once:  “Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction”……


Whether long-range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether soaraway Sun or BBC 1
Misinformation is a weapon of mass destruct
You coulda Caucasian or a poor Asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether inflation or globalization
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction

My dad came into my room holding his hat
I knew he was leaving,
He sat on my bed told me some facts.
Son, I have a duty, calling on me
You and your sister be brave my little soldier
And don’t forget all I told ya
You’re the mister of the house now remember this
And when you wake up in the morning give ya momma a kiss
Then I had to say goodbye
In the morning woke momma with a kiss on each eyelid,
Even though I’m only a kid
Certain things can’t be hid
Momma grabbed me
Held me like I was made of gold
But left her inner stories untold
I said, momma it will be alright
When daddy comes home, tonight

Whether Halliburton, Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction

We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction

The skin under my chin is exploding again.
I’m getting stress from some other children
I’m holding it in.
We taking sides like a politician
And if I get friction we get to fighting.
I’ll defend my dad he’s the best of all men
and whatever he’s doing he’s doing the right thing.
It’s frightening, but it makes me mad,
Why do all of these people seem to hate my dad?
And if that ain’t enough now I get these spots.
I go to sleep every night with my stomach in knots
And what’s more, I can hear momma next door
Explore the radio for reports of war.
And all we ever seem to do is hide the tears.
Seems like daddy been gone for years.
But he was right, now i’m geared up for the fight
and he would be proud of me,
If my daddy came home tonight.

Whether Halliburton, Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction

We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction

My story stops here, let’s be clear,
This scenario is happening everywhere.
And you ain’t going to nirvana or far-vana,
you’re coming right back here to live out your karma.
With even more drama than previously, seriously.
Just how many centuries have we been
waiting for someone else to make us free?
And we refuse to see
that people overseas suffer just like we:
Bad leadership and ego’s unfettered and free
Who feed on the people they’re supposed to lead
I don’t need good people to pray and wait
For the lord to make it all straight.
There’s only now, do it right.
‘Cos I don’t want your daddy, leaving home tonight

Whether Halliburton Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction

We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!