THE DANGERS OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS or GMO’s (Genetically Modified organisms)

Are genetically modified foods safe to consume????  My perspective is;  if you put anything in your mouth that contains any traces of pesticides – it would not be beneficial to good health.  There is not enough research to indicate that consuming genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) are safe.  The scientists and those who fund any type of research indicating otherwise can’t say for certain.  Think about the increase in cancer, autism, respiratory illnesses etc…since the use of pesticides in our crops and the use of hormones in the meat people consume – is this coincidence? 

A recent report conducted by Dr. Michael Antoniou of King’s College London School of Medicine in the UK, who helped to develop genetic engineering for medical applications, and John Fagan, a biomedical researcher and expert in  food system sustainability and GMO testing, who returned a $614,000 in grant money to the National Institute of Health in 1994 because of his concerns about the safety and ethics of genetic modification – argue, that there are already safer environmentally friendly ways to grow more food for the planet’s exploding population. 

70% of the foods that American’s purchase in the supermarket contain ingredients (mostly corn, soy and canola oil) that are genetically modified.  The food industry, and often the media, assure us that there is a scientific consensus that GM foods are equivalent nutritionally to foods tha have not been modified and not a danger to those who consume them – not all scientists agree.  There are not enough long-term studies to prove otherwise, so why should we risk consuming GMO’s? 

California is voting on whether or GMO’s should have labelling so that consumer’s are aware of which products have GMO’s – great idea, right?  Well, the food and biotech industries are expected to fight the labelling initiative with a multi-million dollar statewide PR blitz, like one which helped to defeat a similar measure in Oregon in 2002 – even though 90% of Americans – Republicans and Democrats equally according to a recent survey – want to see GMO’s labeled.  I ask you – if the food and biotech industries are ready to fight the labelling with a multi-million dollar statewide PR blitz – doesn’t that suggest these industries are more concerned about making more money than the consumer’s health?  I for one want to see labelling of GMO’s on all our food – worldwide!

Here are some key points in the report:

  • Genetically modifying crops, which involves the transfer of genes between biologically unrelated species, is not an extension of traditional plant hybridization, but a radical departure which can produce new toxins or allergens in food that are unlikely to be spotted in current regulatory checks.
  • GM foods have not been adequately safety tested.  There has been no long-term research, and the few short-term studies have been inadequate.  In many cases proprietary restrictions put in place by biotech companies like Monsanto have prevented independent research by scientists not connected to the corporations which are making claims about their safety.
  • Animal studies of the effects of GM foods have disclosed clear signs of toxicity – notably disturbances in liver and kidney function and immune responses.
  • Over 75% of genetically modification are due to increase crop tolerance of herbicides.  Where these crops are grown there has been a massive increase in herbicide use.
  • Over half of GM crops are engineered to withstand application of Monsanto’s best-selling Roundup.  Contrary to the company’s claims – Roundup is not safe at the levels it is being used, but has been found to be associated with miscarriage, birth defects, neurological development problems, DNA damage, and certain types of cancer.  A public health crises has occurred in GM soy-producing regions of South America, where people exposed to spraying with Roundup and other agrichemicals report escalating rates of birth defects and cancer.
  • There is insufficient evidence that the BT toxin engineered into the plant structure of corn and cotton (whose seeds are used in food oil production) is safe for human consumption.  BT crops have been found to have toxic effects on laboratory animals in feeding trials.  (Side note – animals should not be used in any of these tests.  They should possibly use employees of Monsanto – since they stand behind their products safety).  These Toxins have also been found circulating in the blood of pregnant women in Canada and in the blood supply to their fetuses.
  • GM crops have not been shown to offer higher crop yields, enhanced nutritional value or greater drought tolerance, as they have been hyped to do.  The products of conventional breeding continue to outstrip GM in all of these arenas.
  • Conventionally bred, locally adapted crops, used in combination with environmentally sustainable farming practices, offer a safer, cheaper and more efficient way to ensure global food security thank genetic modification.

Selling patented genetically modified seeds, and the agrichemicals designed to be used with them, has earned biotech giants like Monsanto, Dupont, Bayer and Syngenta untold billions of dollars in the past two decades.  These companies are gambling with the health and well-being of our health and our environment, we should not be rewarding them by looking the other way – we need to ask our governments to ensure tougher regulations in approving GMO’s and ask for labelling of our foods.

For Canadians – send an email to our government so that they get the message that we value you our health and environment and they should too!  Here is the link:


Here is a short video about GMO’s:

 Together, we can make the world a more positive one!