I recently watched the visually stunning movie The Life of Pi directed by Ang Lee based on the book written by Yann Martel.  Yann Martel indicated in an interview with PBS that he wrote the book during a moment in his life when he felt lonely and needed some direction, ” I was sort of looking for a story, not only with a small ‘s’ but sort of with a capital ‘S’ – something that would direct my life.”

Without delving too deeply into the plot so as not to spoil any moments for those who have not watched the film or read the book – I would like to talk briefly about Pi’s curiosity and fascination with religion.  His curiosity allowed him to explore aspects of different religions in order to find his connection with God.  Pi took the best of all the religions he studied and allowed that to direct his life.  This is what I believe to be the key message of all organized religion however, I feel that this message has been lost leaving many people to become disenfranchised in their religious beliefs.

So, what religious denomination is the ‘true’ one?  Who is the true son of God – Jesus, Mohammed, Ganesh or Krishna? Who will be the ‘chosen ones’?  Because I choose not to believe many of the things written in The Bible – I am condemned to Hell for being a non-believer.  As I have said many times – I was born gay, in many religions, that is an abomination according to God – even though it is said that he made man in his own image (except gays).

If religion allows people to act out of kindness, love and compassion – then I do not have a problem with it.  If religions teaches people not to judge or hate but to embrace everyone as their equal – then I do not have a problem with it.  When religion is used to promote hate, fear and violence – then I have a problem. 

I don’t belong to any organized religion however, I do believe that there is a presence that is BIGGER than anyone or any religion.  Is that God?  Maybe – I don’t know.  What force is driving me to write these words and ask these questions?  Are my questions not as important as the beliefs people have about their own religion?  If there is a God – I will answer to Him/Her.  If there is A God – what if He/She is working through me?  I don’t have the answers because I DON’T KNOW and I am okay with not knowing.  What I do know is that I want to live for the moments I have on earth, now.  I want to breathe clean air, I want to enjoy nature, I want clean water, I want others to have the same opportunities that I have, I want to spread love, peace and tolerance – that is my religion, that is my God and that is what I believe in.  People that have different religious beliefs need to understand that their beliefs are no better or more right than those I believe in.

So – who will be the chosen ones?  If you can answer that – let me know and I will join your cause.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.