How many of us have really looked at the impact we have on the environment and our planet?  Do you know how many coffee cups you put in the trash bin daily?  How about all carbon dioxide that is released into our air as you sit in a drive-thru waiting for food that will only cause you sickness?  Have you thought about the amount of garbage we produce on a daily basis?  Will we have enough food and water to feed 9 billion people in the very near future when there isn’t enough food already?  Will you continue to turn a blind eye to the devastation humans are creating on animals, the environment and our planet?  It’s time to wake up and demand better for the planet, for the future and for our existence.

In Ontario – Justin Trudeau just won the Liberal Party Leadership vote – Justin is considered to be the voice of a new generation.  A generation whose priorities are not about capitalism but activism and sustainability.  The future generation has a daunting task – to save the planet and humanity from extinction.  Hopefully, this generation – along with Justin Trudeau’s leadership, can and will act to protect the planet and work towards sustainable and renewable energies.  It is said that if humanity continues to deplete the earth’s natural resources as we are today – we will need 9 earth’s in order to survive.  We don’t have an additional 9 earth’s.  What we need to do is engage the future generation to demand better of our governments and to act to ensure the survival of the planet and of humanity.

Rob Stewart – award-winning director of the amazing and inspiring documentary – Shark Water, spoke at the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto Canada about the devastation we are creating on the environment and our planet.  He asked the youth of today to become engaged and to be inspired to create positive change for the planet.  Here is that presentation:

Robert Stewart and Gus Van Sandt have created a new documentary called, Revolution about the plight our planet and humanity faces.  Here is the official trailer and interview with Rob Stewart about this very important documentary:

I urge everyone to watch this film and become inspired to act.  Demand better of our government!  Remove the blinders and understand the consequences that your actions have on our planet and do better.  Stop allowing media and BIG CORPORATION to lull you into a false sense of security – they only want your money.  Education is the key – educate and know what is happening and then be inspired to act for our future and for the future of generations to come.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.