FAREWELL 2014 and WELCOME 2015

The end of one year and the beginning of another is a great time for reflection and to think about some of the things we would like to accomplish.  People call these resolutions, I prefer to call them ‘processes for individual growth’.

As I reflect back on 2014, I am grateful for the posts I shared on helping animals from abuse, stopping human rights atrocities and protecting our environment/planet from destruction.  Some of the advocacy groups have made great strides in these areas and you can review their successes by visiting their websites, here are a few:


PETA (People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have documented their successes for the 2014 year – you can view them here:  www.peta.org

Esther The Wonder Pig has finally found a forever home in her new sanctuary.  This was a long process and it finally came to fruition in 2014.  You can read her story here:  www.estherthewonderpig.com

Benjy – a gentle bull was supposed to go to slaughter because he was supposedly gay and wasn’t breeding.  Due too much public outcry and animal activism, Benjy was saved and sent to live in a sanctuary.  Read his story here:  www.aran.ie


People from all walks of life came together to fight, protest and speak out against the lack of environmental protection laws and to demand change in various ways.  Here are some great successes for our environment:

Grassroots movement to fight Kinder Morgan from building a pipeline on Burnaby mountain in British Columbia, Canada.  More info can be found here:  www.greenpeace.org 

The People’s Climate March mobilized hundreds of people from around the globe to send the 100 world leaders meeting in New York City to send them a clear message – we need better environmental policies around the world to ensure a difference can be made against climate change.  It was the biggest climate change protest the world has ever seen.  More info can be found here:  www.peoplesclimate.org or www.350.org

David Suzuki’s Blue Dot Tour brought together some of Canada’s brightest musicians to help create awareness about climate change…for more information about this great project, check out:  www.bluedot.ca or www.davidsuzuki.org

HUMAN RIGHTS and LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered) ISSUES 

2014 saw many individuals advocating for human rights and brought many people together to fight discrimination and racism directly and boldly.  Here are some inspiring moments:

Ferguson protests – A grand jury acquitted the officer from any responsibility in the shooting death of Michael Brown.  This injustice prompted many protests around the world standing behind Michael Brown’s family and so many other black males who have been victims of police brutality, racial profiling and many senseless murders at the hands of police officers who have sworn to serve and protect.  Here is more information:  www.democracynow.org

Malala Yousafzai – an activist for women’s right to education from Pakistan wins the Nobel Peace Prize.  More information about Malala’s life can be found here:  www.malala.org

2014 was also the year that William Hague and Angelina Jolie launched their campaign to make rape a war crime.  It was also the year women were finally able to become bishops in the Church of England.

Activism for the LGBT community pays off in 2014 as the US Supreme Court denies petitions from five states seeking to preserve bans on same-sex marriage.  President Barack Obama signs an executive order in July prohibiting businesses that hold contracts with the federal government from discriminating against employees or potential employees based on sexual orientation and gender identify.  Here are other LGBT-related stories that made headlines in 2014:  www.pridesource.com 

What is in store for 2015?  For me, I plan to continue my advocacy for animals, the environment and human rights issues by sharing my personal stories and stories from around the world that will enlighten and give people some insight on social issues that need to be addressed with truth, honesty and compassion.  

May 2015 bring you much love, light and allow you to create positive change in the world.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!