Every once in a while, an artist emerges whose music and lyrics really connect deep within you.  For me, Sinead O’Connor was is still is one of those artists that continue to awe me.  I was 18 years old when I heard her 1st record – The Lion and the Cobra – I immediately connected with the raw emotion in her voice, her passion and some brilliantly written songs.  The complete album of The Lion and the Cobra was an emotional journey – I know the songs were written based on the Sinead O’Connor’s personal journey but these songs resonated with me personally.  I couldn’t stop listening to this album.  Whenever I am asked about who my favourite artists are and which songs have had a tremendous impact in my life – I respond by saying Sinead O’Connor and Troy as one of my favourite songs.

The Lion and the Cobra was more of an ‘underground’ alternative album – mostly played on college radio stations – we never heard Sinead O’Connor played on top 40 or pop radio stations that is, not until her massive cover of Prince’s Nothing Compares 2 U.  This song thrust Sinead into the limelight in the early 90’s and was one of the biggest singles and video’s of 1990.  The album I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got became Sinead’s first Billboard top 200 album and her most successful to date.

I am not going to pretend to know or even speculate about what happened in Sinead’s personal life – I wasn’t part of her circle of friends or family.  I do know that she is a firm advocate for mental illness and has been since diagnosed as being bi-polar.  Sinead had her opinions and was not afraid to share them with the world……there was backlash because people housed fear within themselves and did not want to challenge the truth.  I believe that by challenging the  truth – Sinead’s music career took a hit, especially in America.

Personally – I thought some of the albums that were released after I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got were fantastic.  Universal Mother was genius, to this day, every time I hear Scorn Not His Simplicity, I become teary eyed.  Other stand out songs on this album – Fire on Babylon, Thank You For Hearing Me (what a fantastic song), John I Love You, All Babies and Red Football.  Prior to Universal Mother, Sinead released Am I Not Your Girl?  A collection of covers of mostly jazz standards.  For me – I thought Sinead gave life to a music genre I would hardly listen to.  She allowed me to hear music or songs I didn’t enjoy prior to her re-interpretation such as; Don’t Cry For Me Argentina, Gloomy Sunday, I Want To Be Love By You and Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered.  A great EP called Gospel Oak was released in 1997 and included 2 incredible songs called Petite Poulet and This Is To Rebel You.  Faith and Courage was released in 2000 and I have never heard another album that has resonated with more more spiritually than this album.  Faith and Courage is definitely my favourite Sinead album.  The reason I say this is because each time I listen to the album it invokes so many emotions within me.  The Healing Room calms my mind and soothes my soul.  No Man’s Woman is defiant and strong.  Jealous is brooding.  Daddy I’m Fine is liberating.  Hold Back The Night is heart wrenching and What Doesn’t Belong To Me is absolutely moving.   I am moved beyond speech when I hear Emma’s Song.  I can only imagine the personal journey that Sinead went through to give us this wonderful and moving gift!!!!  (Thank You Sinead!!!).

There have been other album releases – Sean-Nos Nua in 2002, Throw Down Your Arms in 2005 (amazing reggae album), Theology in 2007 and a very under- rated 2012 release called How About I Be Me (And You Be You)?  As a matter of fact – How About I Be Me (And You Be You)?  is currently my favourite release of 2012.  The track that I am completely obsessed with is Queen of Denmark – I don’t want this track to end, I want it to keep going (Sinead – please release and extended version!!!  lol – kidding).  Other stand out tracks are 4th and Vine, Back Where You Belong, The Wolf Is Getting Married and Reason With Me.  Don’t get me wrong – this is an album you definitely have to hear continuously from start to finish…..absolutely incredible – again, thank you Sinead!!!

There are many things that I am grateful for – my partner of almost 20 years, my mother/father/brothers/sisters, my awesome doggy and my passion to spread love and positive energy out into the world.  I am also grateful for artists who are not afraid to express their personal views on social/political and human rights issues.  I am grateful for Sinead O’Connor continuing to use her voice to invoke so much thought and emotion through her music.  I am also grateful that Sinead has not allowed the cruelty of humanity to silence her – instead she continues to challenge the truth on topics of religion, politics and our own mental well-being.

This post is my THANK YOU to a woman who is brave, stands strong in her convictions, is loving, compassionate and a true talent and inspiration.   Thanks for sharing your gift(s) with the world – your words and music have helped me and so many others overcome our inner struggles.