Many people seem to believe they have a clear insight of who they are, what they do and how they want to be remembered.  Have you really thought about what is important to you and how you will be remembered after you are gone?  Get reconnected and assess what is important to you – here are some questions that may help you determine what is important to you:

1.  Do you believe that one person can make a difference to create positive change in the world?  If so, can you name any oner person that has?

2.  Do you want to have an occupation that will create happiness or would you prefer an occupation that you are well compensated for but don’t really enjoy?

3.  Have you ever thought about what organized religion means to you and not what was instilled into you?

4.  Are you angered when a panhandler approaches you for money?

5.  Which do you prefer – the energy of city life or the relative calm of nature?

6.  In one-word, how do you think your friends will describe you?

7.  Do you laugh a lot?

8.  Are you present in everything you do?

9.  Do you live for the moment or are you planning for the future?

10.  Do you believe that a life of an animal is any different from the life of a human?

11.  What is the one thing you cherish the most?

12.  Do you live with honesty and integrity?

13.  Do you live to please others or yourself?

14.  Is it hard for you to let go of negative family members or friends?

15.  Do you believe that your state of mind can create disease?

16.  How do you show respect for our planet/environment/nature?

17.  Do you think outside the box?

18.  Do you believe everything you hear in media/print/word-of-mouth etc, or do you require proof?

19.  Can there be peace without fear?

20.  Do you encourage others to do the things they love?

21.  Is it easy for your to make new friends?

22.  Can you be honest with people without hurting their feelings?

23.  How hard is it for you to love unconditionally?

24.  Do you support and encourage your partner/spouse without any judgements?

25.  How is your energy affecting those around you?

26.  What would you rather live without – a cell phone, computer, television or book?

27.  Is your body your temple?

28.  What/Who is God?

29.  Are you really honest with yourself?

30.  What would you do if you only had one more day left?

These questions are not meant to give you an in-depth and scientific analysis of who you are as a person.  They are questions that you may not really spent too much consideration and thought on.  We sometimes think we know how we would answer certain questions but always forget how easily influenced we are but what we have learned by our friends and family.  Take some time and really – REALLY think about your answers and don’t let any outside influences dictate your thoughts.  Look inside yourself, think about the question and answer from your heart and from your experience.  You will never know what you can discover about yourself when you actually take the time.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.