What are the chakras and their functions?  According to the book, A Handbook of Chakra Healing Spiritual Practice for Health, Harmony, and Inner Peace written by Kalashatra Govinda, here is her overview:

Chakras are centres of awareness in the human body. These energy centres are neither physical nor anatomical. They are found in the subtle energy system, although their radiant energy does correspond to positions within the body.

The chakras influence cells, organs, and the entire hormone system and affect one’s thoughts and feelings. They are also centres of psychic energy.

The term chakra comes from Sanskrit, the sacred language of ancient India. It literally means “wheel” or “turning.”  In fact, the chakras revolve continuously. Through their rotation, they absorb energies from without and convert them into the subtle material of the astral body. Through the chakras, we take in energy from our surroundings. 

It is said that there are up to 88,000 chakras but I want to focus on the 7 main chakras, their purpose and attributes associated with these chakras.



Colour – Violet

Planet – Neptune

Crystal – Diamond, Rock Crystal

Oils – Rosewood

Healing Foods – Plums and Black Grapes 

Position In Body – The top of the head.

Theme – Spirituality, experience of higher planes, knowledge of God, enlightenment, self-realization.


Colour – Indigo

Planet – Uranus

Crystal – Blue Sapphire, Opal, Blue Tourmaline

Oils – Lemongrass, Violet

Healing Foods – Blackberries, Blueberries, Purple Grapes

Position In Body – Middle of the forehead.

Theme – Intuition, wisdom, realization, awareness, fantasy, power of the imagination, self-knowledge.


Colour – Blue

Planet – Saturn

Crystal – Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Topaz

Oils – Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Camphor

Healing Foods – Blueberries, Blue Plums, Sea Plants, Soups 

Position In Body – Near the larynx.

Theme – Communication, verbal ability, inspiration, truthfulness, intelligence, synthesis, creativity, musical talent.


Colour – Green

Planet – Jupiter

Crystal – Emerald, Chrysoprase, Jade, Rose Quartz

Oils – Cloves, Rose, Jasmine, Tarragon

Healing Foods – Kale, Spinach, Kiwis, Limes, Green Beans, Peas, Sprouts, Green Grapes, Honeydew

Position In Body – Center of the chest at heart level.

Theme – Love, compassion, humanity, empathy, tolerance, openness, warm-heartedness.


Colour – Yellow/Gold

Planet – Mars

Crystal – Citrine, Chrysoberyl, Amber, Tigers-eye, Yellow Jasper

Oils – Lavender, Chammomile, Lemon, Anise

Healing Foods – Yellow Squash, Corn, Lemons, Whole Grains, Legumes.

Position In Body – Stomach area between the loins and breastbone.

Theme – Willpower, self-confidence, personality, self-development, self-control, feelings, sensitivity, power, forcefulness.


Colour – Orange

Planet – Venus

Crystal – Gold Topaz, Aventurine, Coral, Fire Opal

Oils – Sandalwood, Myrrh, Bitter Orange, Pepper, Vanilla

Healing Foods – Carrots, Papaya, Oranges, Cantaloupes, Nuts, Seeds, Peaches, Apricots.

Position In Body – Above the sexual organs.

Theme – Sexuality, sensuality, fertility, creative life energy.


Colour – Red

Planet – Mercury

Crystal – Ruby, Garnet, Hematite

Oils – Clove, Rosemary, Cypress, Cedar

Healing Foods – Beets, Red Cabbage, Root Vegetables, Red Grapes, Cherries.

Position In Body – Between anus and the perineum.

Theme – Stability, the will to live, self-preservation, sense of trust and security, groundedness.

Based on the information above about each chakra, you can possibly get a better understanding of which chakra you need balanced and which chakra you are tuned into to.  You may not be completely aware that you are in tune with any given chakra based on what colour of clothing you wear most.  You can do energy work to balance your chakras through massage, aromatherapy, diet and nutrition, reiki and gemstone work.

To take a more in-depth look at the chakras, their functions, possible ailments and healing energy work, I recommend the following:

  • The Chakra Bible: The Definitive Guide to Working with the Chakras, Patricia Mercier
  • A Handbook of Chakra Healing Spiritual Practice for Health, Harmony, and Inner Peace, Kalashatra Govinda
  • Enroll in certification courses in Spiritual Psychotherapy/Holistic Health/Reiki

It is not only important to exercise your body and feeding it the proper nutrients, it is also vital to invest time to exercise the mind in order to have inner-peace and harmony for you and for everyone around you.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Today, many people are turning to non-traditional medicine as a way to treat ailments and disease such as, alternative and natural health.  Many individuals are refusing treatments composed of harmful toxins that may have serious side effects and cause more harm than good. 

Over-the-counter drugs are taken for everything from colds, allergies and headaches to back aches, ear aches and tooth aches.  Most of these drugs are ineffective and short-term relief and may even prolong the aches/pains you are trying to treat.

Our planet has provided herbs and spices that have helped alleviate and treat common ailments for centuries.  Taking a more holistic approach to health has great benefits.  Personally, I prefer trying alternative and natural health remedies to treat my ailments before I go to modern medicine.

I recently read an article in the February 2015 issue of Vitality Magazine entitled, Old World Cures for Late Winter Ailments.  I thought I would share some of my favorites with you.

Homemade Herbal Cough Syrup

Add 3 cups fresh mixed herbs or 1/2 cup of dried herbs into 2 cups of water.  Herbs to choose from are sage, thyme, rosemary, parsley, lavender, oregano, borage and mint.  You can also add dried plantain leaf, crushed dried clover blossom, chamomile flowers, dried raspberry leaves, ground wild ginger rhizomes or fresh grated or dried ginger root to the herb measure. 

Bring mixture to a boil, simmer about 20 minutes or until reduced to half.  Remove from heat, cover and steep until cold.  Strain liquid into a clean pan.  Put back on stove and add 1 cup of creamed clover honey.  Heat until blended.  Cool.  Pour into sterilized bottle and cap.  Take 1 tsp as needed.  Store the cough syrup in a cool place and it will save indefinitely.

Chamomile Tea for Aiding Digestion and Warding off Heartburn

This fragrant tea is reputed to aid digestion and should be served before mealtime.  Put 3 Tbsp fresh chamomile flowers or 1 Tbsp dried flowers into a warmed teapot, cover with boiling water and steep for 5 minutes.  Strain into a teacup.  It also alleviates mild nausea.  Good for pregnant women experiencing morning sickness, seasickness in travellers.

2 Tbsp fresh sage leaf or 1 tsp of dried plant in a heated teapot and cover with 1 cup of boiling water.  Steep 5 minutes.  Add lemon if using as treatment for sore throat.  Sweeten with honey if you wish.

***In China, sage tea is recommended for many ailments including bad nerves, ulcers, liver, kidney troubles and to reduce fevers***

Thyme Tea for Cough and Bronchitis, and Oregano Tea For Sinus

Thyme makes a comforting cup of tea that is useful for breaking up coughs associated with bronchitis.  Steep 2 Tbsp fresh plant or 1 tsp dried plant per cup of boiling water for 15 minutes.  Oregano tea is a good treatment for sinus congestion – made the same way as the thyme tea.  A blend of the two herbs makes a potent tea for fighting any cold or influenza virus.


This tea is noted as being a good cleanser for the intestines and helps prevent bloating from overindulgence in rich foods.  To make the tea from fresh plant, simply put a handful fo fresh, picked, washed flowers in the teapot, cover with boiling water and steep for 5 minutes.  To make it out of dried plant, use about 2 Tbsp dried flowers per cup of water.  The tea can be sweetened with honey and served hot to ward off cold and flu in winter, or served cold with a bit of lemon to cool down the body in summertime.

Lavender Tea for Depression, Insomnia, Headaches

Nothing is more uplifting than catching a whiff of lavender in the summer breeze.  The good news is, you can grow lavender in your indoor herb garden all year round to fill your room with the calming scent.  Of course, you can also dry the excess bounty from your summer herb patch to use as a picker-upper whenever you’re feeling down and out, can’t sleep, or are suffering from headaches caused by stress.  To make lavender tea, use 2 Tbsp fresh lavender or 1 tsp dried plant per cup of boiling water.  Steep 15 minutes.  For headache, inhale the steam before drinking the tea.  To cure insomnia, drink the tea while soaking in a bath to which you’ve added a good handful of dried plant for a calming, relaxing scent before going to bed.

You can find the above recipes and more in the February 2015 issue of Vitality Magazine (pages 24 – 30).  The article is written by Linda Gabris. 

Vitality is published 10 times per year (December/Jan and July/August are combined).  It is released the first week of each month.  To subscribe, contact:  Vitality Magazine, 356 Dupont Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 1V9 Telephone:  (416) 964-0528.  You can also find the magazines statement of purpose on page 4 of the magazine.     

Disclaimer – The above information is provided as ‘information only’ and not to replace any medications you may be taken for any serious illnesses.  It is always good practice, and proactive, to talk to a health-care professional or your physician with all your alternative, traditional or non-traditional health issues.

Our state of mind can easily cause physical and emotional health issues.  Find activities and hobbies that stimulate the brain, stay active and provide your body with the nourishment from a plant-based diet and this will ensure that you continue to create positive change in the world for a long time. 

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


What is my life’s purpose – what is it that I am supposed to do?  A really loaded question and I question I have been trying to answer since I began my spiritual journey.  I have since realized the answer to those questions – the answer is:  My life’s purpose is to live and that I am supposed to do exactly what I am doing at this moment and that is to inspire anybody who is willing to listen to create positive change into the world.  All the things I do and the people who come into my life are for a purpose – and that purpose is to ensure I continue to follow my passion to create positive change.

It is amazing that by letting go and following my passion for holistic health and natural healing – how many wonderful things have happened and how my journey continues to unfold.  I have also realized that there is no rush and no need to stress myself out in order to achieve my personal, educational and life goals.  I continue pursuing my holistic health and psychotherapy designations, but I do so at my pace.

I have also enjoyed discovering so many wonderful teachers, mentors, authors and like-minded people who encourage my spiritual and professional growth, people like;  Louise L. Hay, Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Sonia Choquette, Gregg Bradden, Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama and Dr. Lissa Rankin.  These wonderful people have been pivotal in my quest to inspire positive change into the world because many of them have been doing just that for years.

I have recently watched a ‘Ted episode in which Dr. Lissa Rankin was the featured speaker.  The episode was entitled: ‘Is There Scientific Proof That We Can Heal Ourselves?’.  This topic intrigued for several reasons;  1.  I used to believe that we should rely on science and modern medicine to cure our illnesses with surgery and modern medicine and 2.  Throughout my spiritual journey, I have found that many people have already answered this question by healing themselves.

Dr. Lissa Rankin’s delivery of her research was direct, loving, funny and most importantly – passionate.  I am an advocate for natural healing and holistic medicine – medicinal drugs are my last resort.  I really appreciate a doctor who encourages me to seek natural and holistic ways of healing whatever ailments I may have – it makes me feel like they value my health as much as I do.  Dr. Lissa Rankin’s lecture not only suggests, through her research, that we can heal ourselves but there are many other factors that may contribute to our body and mind’s capability of healing itself such as; our environment, relationships, emotional state, job etc….One of the most important things that resonated with after watching her deliver her lecture to her peers is one of her quotes – “Let us put the CARE back into health care”.  Watch for your selves….I hope you experience as much joy and gratitude I experienced in watching this lecture.  Enjoy!

For more information about Dr. Lissa Rankin, please visit her website at:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


The original Bach Flower Remedies is a system of 38 Flower Remedies that corrects emotional imbalances:  negative emotions are replaced with positive.

Someone may say that they are feeling aggressive because of the following reasons:

  • Are not able to get their own way and are being opposed by others
  • Feel they can’t help themselves and just become angry easily
  • Does not take much for them to get angry
  • Aggressive because, deep inside they are bitter
  • Act out of aggression because of impatience
  • Understand that they lack feeling and compassion

Here is the reference  to the Bach Flower Essence that can possibly remedy your aggression using the examples above:

Are not able to get their own way and are being opposed by others (dominating, ruthless)

Vine  helps anyone with a selfish, domineering attitude and an amplified sense of their capabilities.  Helps to recognise the common good.

Feel they can’t help themselves and just become angry easily (fear of mental breakdown)

Cherry Plum is one of the remedies that Dr. Bach grouped together under the heading of  Fear.  Shown by a fearfulness of one’s own thoughts.  Sufferers can shock themselves with thoughts, and may believe they are insane.  Cherry Plum is also the remedy for a loss of control that has already taken place, because of the frantic fear and dread associated with such situations.

Does not take much for them to get angry (envy, hatred, jealousy)

Holly is the essence for feelings of universal love.  Sufferers of the negative Holly state may be generally suspicious, jealous and angry.

Aggressive because, deep inside they are bitter (bitter and resentful)

Willow helps those who see themselves as a victim.  Misfortune or injustice is blamed on others.  Dispels feelings of powerlessness.

Act out of aggression because of impatience (impatient, tension)

Brings patience, helps those who are frustrated by the slowness of those around them, and who believe that they can do everything best.

Understand that they lack feeling and compassion (envy, hatred, jealousy)

Not only is holly the essence for someone who becomes aggressive easily, it is also the essence for those who feel they lack compassion.  As stated above, holly is the essence of universal love.  Sufferers of the negative Holly state may be generally suspicious, jealous and angry.

Dr. Edward Bach stated in 1936:  “Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeals to most of us”.  He studied medicine first in Birmingham and later at the University College Hospital in London, where he was House Surgeon.

One day in 1917, Dr. Edward Bach collapsed and suffered from a severe haemorrhage.  Colleagues operated to remove a tumour and he was told he had only three months to live.   The three months came and went and he found he was in better health than ever and was convinced that his sense of purpose was what saved him.

Dr. Bach aspired to a more holistic approach to medicine – even though his research into vaccinations was going well, he was dissatisfied in how doctors were expected to concentrate on diseases rather than the person.  Dr. Bach noticed a correlation between his work on vaccines and the principles of homeopathy during his post at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.

In 1936, Dr. Bach and Nora Weeks (his assistant and radiographer) moved to a house called Mount Vernon in the Oxfordshire village of Brighwell-cum-Sotwell.  Dr. Bach’s body and mind were so in tune with his work that he would suffer the emotional state that he needed to cure and try plants and flowers until he found the one that would help him.  This is how he completed his life’s work – by trial and error.

Dr. Bach passed away peacefully on the evening of November 27th, 1936 – 20 years after he was told he only had three months to live.

Dr. Bach sets a great example to live with purpose and to follow your life’s passion.  He also exemplifies that one person can be the conduit of positive change in our world.


For more information about Bach Flower Remedies, The Bach Centre and extensive bio of Dr. Edward Bach, please visit the Back Centre’s website:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



*** Disclaimer ***

I am not a medical doctor and am only providing this information based on personal research from various sources.  I always recommend speaking to your doctor, naturopathic doctor or holistic health care practioner before starting any new nutritional health care program.  I also find that it is best to be proactive and not reactive when it comes to your health.  Do your own research and find methods that fit best for you and your lifestyle.

Here are some natural ways of lowering blood pressure, suppressing a cough, reducing migraine pain, treat PMS and depression/anxiety.


Supplements:  Studies have shown that coenzyme Q10 reduces blood pressure.  The antioxidant, required for energy production, dilates blood vessels.

Soy:  A study from Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, found that replacing refined carbs in your diet with foods high in soy, can bring down systolic blood pressure if you have hypertension or prehypertension.

Pottassium Rich Produce:  Sweet potatoes, tomatoes, orange juice, potatoes, bananas, kidney beans, peas, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and dried fruit such as prunes and raisins are key to a blood pressure lowering program.

Read Food Labels For Sodium:  It is suggested that are sodium intake be approximately 1,200mg daily – check labels for sodium levels, you will be surprised to find that most items are very high in sodium.  Buying or low sodium alternatives is a great way to drastically reduce your daily sodium intake.

Tea:  Hibiscus helps lower stystolic blood pressure.  Many herbal teas contain hibiscus.  Look for blends that list it near the top of their ingredient chart.

Dark Chocolate:  Flavanols tend to make blood vessels more elastic, which helps with our blood flow….1/2 ounce of dark chocolate daily will help reduce high blood pressure (make sure the chocolate has at least 70% cocoa).

Drink Alcohol:  Some studies have shown 1 drink daily (for women) and 2 (for men) helps lower blood pressure.  Please note:  drinking excessively leads to other emotional and physical health issues – please drink responsibly.

Rigourous Walks:  Excercise helps the heart use oxygen more efficiently.  Going for a fast-paced walk or jog everyday for 30 minutes is beneficial to reducing high blood pressure and as a bonus – will help you shed unwanted excess weight.

Relax With Music:  Soothing tunes will keep you relaxed and relieve daily stress – try listening to light classical, indian or spiritual chanting to unwind from a busy day.

Breathe Deeply:  I can’t say it enough – meditation, yoga, and tai chi decreases stress hormones – which elevate renin, a kidney enzyme that raises blood pressure.  Start off slowly – 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes at night.  This is a great way to start and end your day.


Almonds:  Finely grind almonds (enough for a few teaspoons) and mix with a cup of orange juice.

Flax, honey and lemon:  Boil flax seeds (2/3 tablespoons) in a cup of water until thickened.  Strain and add 3 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.  Take 1 tablespoon as needed.

Thyme:  Officially approved German treatment for coughs, upper respiratory infections, bronchitis and whooping cough. Thyme flavonoids relax trachel and ileal muscles, which are involved in coughing – flavanoids also reduce inflammation.  2 teaspoons of crushed leaves in a cup of boiling water – cover then steep for 10 minutes and strain.


Feverfew:  Effective in preventing migraines but not stopping them once they have begun.  Parthenolide, the active ingredient in the plant, inhibits the chemicals in the brain that cause the blood vessels to dilate.

Butterbur Extract:  Used medicinally since the middle ages, butterbur extract can be taken daily as a powder, tincture, or other forms and is thought to have both antispasmodic effects and anti-infammatory properties.  It should be taken for 2 to 3 months until the migraine sufferer experiences a period ‘free of migraines’.

Aromatherapy:  Peppermint and lavender are used most often, but rosemary, eucalyptus, sandalwood, and basil often work well also.


Evening Primrose Oil:  Is made up of significant amounts of essential fatty acid named Gamma Linolenic acid or GLA.  This is understood to ease breat tenderness and swelling associated with your monthly menstrual cycle.

Magnesium:  Has been shown to effectively reduce weight gain, tenderness, bloating, swelling and mood swings.  Magnesium reacts with antibiotics and other diabetic medication and should not be taken if you suffer from heart/kidney disease or diabetes.

Chaste Tree Berry:  The chaste tree berry has been known to relieve depression, irritability, breast tenderness and headaches.  This can induce side-effects, so you should consult a doctor prior to taking.

St. Johns Wort:  Effective in alleviating the pain and discomfort of heavy periods and also helps to ease depression.


Antidepressants have been shown to be scientifically fraudulent (all the studies that show antidepressants do not work were never published…the rest barely show any benefit).  If a person can recognize that something isn’t right inside their body and mind, then that person is probably not really “mentally ill”.  They are probably suffering from physical and mental symptoms due to physical causes (processed food, food allergies, lack of vitamins, toxins etc).  Find the root of the problem, treat that problem and you can elliminate depression and anxiety.

What may be causing feelings of depression or anxiety?

Food Allergies:  You can exhibit feelings of depression an hour or even days later after eating certain foods.  You may have an allergy to certain foods that you eat.  Visit your doctor, a naturopathic doctor or holistic health care practitioner and ask about allergy elimination diets, food allergy testing, and other digestive health measures such as digestive enzymes and leaky gut problems.

Chronic Infections:  Lyme disease, bartonella, mycoplasma, babesia, many viruses, Candida, and many other pathogenic organisms are at the root cause of many epidemic diseases, including depression.  Get evaluated – an ‘LLMD’ (Lyme-literate medical doctor) is probably the best bet for finding someone who can properly evaluate your case.

Heavy Metal Chelation:  Mercury, lead, arsenic and numerous other toxic heavy metals have been shown to cause just about any illness, including depression.  Contaminated food and water, amalgam dental fillings, and vaccinations are some common sources of heavy metals.

Mold Toxins:  At least one study shows that household exposure to mold is related to depression.  Many integrative physicians have already long since known this.  Mold toxins can irritate your brain and cause virtually any symptom ranging from depression all the way to violent behaviour, seizures, and stroke.

What you can you do to elliminate depression and anxiety?

Raw Foods Diet:  Raw foods diets incidentally avoid refined sugar, processed foods, pesticides, preservatives, and additives, all of which have been linked to depression.  They are also dense in nutrients, which enhances wellbeing universally.  Fruits and vegetables also tend to have lower degrees of food sensitivities than many other foods.  Raw foods also help to balance low blood sugar, which is a major cause of depression.

Stop Addictive Behaviour:  Coffee, junk food, smoking, drinking, and drugs are all addictive.  Studies show the brain responds to junk food in the same way it does to heroin.

Probiotics:  At least two studies show that probiotics can reduce nervousness, anxiety, and depression.  Probiotics are “good” bacteria in your intestines.  They help detoxify, digest food, and modulate the immune system, which in a sense is literally an extension of the brain.

Other very helpful ways of elliminating depression and anxiety include the following:  removing toxins from the body (there are various methods), exercise and meditation.  Find what is best for you and live a more balanced and fullfilling life.  Remember – you must be proactive for your physical and emotional well-being.  Research, talk to your nutritionist, doctor, naturopathic doctor, and holisitic health care practioner to seek the answers and solutions that will best work for you!
