Want, want, want, want…….How much more do we really need?  People are so much more worried about ‘wanting’ the latest gadget or acquiring the fastest car that they are forgetting that our world is in turmoil and requires healing.  If we keep demanding bigger, better, stronger and faster……..the planet will not be able to sustain that need and will eventually give up.  We should be doing our best to mend all the wounds that our demands have created on our planet – and we need to do it quickly and NOW.


Buy, buy, buy media whores out to the brainwashed public.

Need, need, need the corporations tell us with false promises.

How much more do we really need to buy?

How much more do we really – REALLY need?

Governments are bought by the corporations to perpetuate their greed.

They tell us that no money is to be made by going ‘greener’.

The ‘hippies’ fought and respected the planet while BIG OIL fought every step of the way.

Bigger, faster and stronger metal is what we need and what you want – so we will BUILD.

Leather shoes, leather gloves, leather car seats, leather jackets, fur coats, fur boots, fur scarfs – annihilation for animals.

More food, bigger portions, more waste and disease – animals carted to concentration and death camps.

Drug companies amassing huge profits by making people more sick for longer durations.

We don’t need to be educated about nutrition – eat all you want and eat more of it because drugs will keep you alive and in a zombie state.

Is your house too small?  That’s okay, we’ll clear-cut this forest to accommodate your desire for a bigger house.

No-one will care, we are developers and are contributing to the local economy – FUCK those hippies, we listen to demand and don’t care for the planet.

It is YOUR right to demand more and it is OUR right to supply.

Don’t worry yourself about the lies the hippies tell you – it is not credible.  Just buy it.

Worry about your family – as a matter of fact, have more children so that they can consume and want more to make us richer.

Don’t worry about our world being ‘over-populated’, we have enough water, land and animals to feed all of you.

Stay distracted by watching your bigger and brighter televisions – we depend so that you don’t ask any questions.

Buy, buy, buy media whores out to the brainwashed public.

Need, need, need the corporations tell us with false promises.

When the planet has had enough – there will be nothing more to buy and no more people to buy.


There is time for me to heal.

If I only heal myself, then I can heal the water, the air and earth.

There is time for me to heal.

If I only heal myself, than I will have clarity.

I will heal to help those who can’t help themselves.

I will heal to fight for GAIA.

Why should we allow future generations to suffer?

Why should the planet suffer?

We have the power – we have the people,

So why don’t we begin the journey to healing so that no-one else needs to suffer?

The planet is speaking to us but we are not listening.  I am not ready to live in a world or time only to say “we should have done that so long ago” or live in a society where people say “we should have listened to the ‘hippies’.”  We are not doing enough because we are not demanding enough.  The skeptics keep telling us that they can’t try greener technologies because the demand isn’t there.  That is not true – what they are really saying is that the MONEY and PROFIT is not there.  It is time for an uprising, a new revolution, a grass-roots movement that will resonate with the generations of the future.  A movement about necessity versus materialism.  Where people care about their well-being and sustainable living on our planet – if we are to have a planet.

No more ‘what if’s’ – it is time to just do.  Change begins with us.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


The original Bach Flower Remedies is a system of 38 Flower Remedies that corrects emotional imbalances:  negative emotions are replaced with positive.

Someone may say that they are feeling aggressive because of the following reasons:

  • Are not able to get their own way and are being opposed by others
  • Feel they can’t help themselves and just become angry easily
  • Does not take much for them to get angry
  • Aggressive because, deep inside they are bitter
  • Act out of aggression because of impatience
  • Understand that they lack feeling and compassion

Here is the reference  to the Bach Flower Essence that can possibly remedy your aggression using the examples above:

Are not able to get their own way and are being opposed by others (dominating, ruthless)

Vine  helps anyone with a selfish, domineering attitude and an amplified sense of their capabilities.  Helps to recognise the common good.

Feel they can’t help themselves and just become angry easily (fear of mental breakdown)

Cherry Plum is one of the remedies that Dr. Bach grouped together under the heading of  Fear.  Shown by a fearfulness of one’s own thoughts.  Sufferers can shock themselves with thoughts, and may believe they are insane.  Cherry Plum is also the remedy for a loss of control that has already taken place, because of the frantic fear and dread associated with such situations.

Does not take much for them to get angry (envy, hatred, jealousy)

Holly is the essence for feelings of universal love.  Sufferers of the negative Holly state may be generally suspicious, jealous and angry.

Aggressive because, deep inside they are bitter (bitter and resentful)

Willow helps those who see themselves as a victim.  Misfortune or injustice is blamed on others.  Dispels feelings of powerlessness.

Act out of aggression because of impatience (impatient, tension)

Brings patience, helps those who are frustrated by the slowness of those around them, and who believe that they can do everything best.

Understand that they lack feeling and compassion (envy, hatred, jealousy)

Not only is holly the essence for someone who becomes aggressive easily, it is also the essence for those who feel they lack compassion.  As stated above, holly is the essence of universal love.  Sufferers of the negative Holly state may be generally suspicious, jealous and angry.

Dr. Edward Bach stated in 1936:  “Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeals to most of us”.  He studied medicine first in Birmingham and later at the University College Hospital in London, where he was House Surgeon.

One day in 1917, Dr. Edward Bach collapsed and suffered from a severe haemorrhage.  Colleagues operated to remove a tumour and he was told he had only three months to live.   The three months came and went and he found he was in better health than ever and was convinced that his sense of purpose was what saved him.

Dr. Bach aspired to a more holistic approach to medicine – even though his research into vaccinations was going well, he was dissatisfied in how doctors were expected to concentrate on diseases rather than the person.  Dr. Bach noticed a correlation between his work on vaccines and the principles of homeopathy during his post at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.

In 1936, Dr. Bach and Nora Weeks (his assistant and radiographer) moved to a house called Mount Vernon in the Oxfordshire village of Brighwell-cum-Sotwell.  Dr. Bach’s body and mind were so in tune with his work that he would suffer the emotional state that he needed to cure and try plants and flowers until he found the one that would help him.  This is how he completed his life’s work – by trial and error.

Dr. Bach passed away peacefully on the evening of November 27th, 1936 – 20 years after he was told he only had three months to live.

Dr. Bach sets a great example to live with purpose and to follow your life’s passion.  He also exemplifies that one person can be the conduit of positive change in our world.


For more information about Bach Flower Remedies, The Bach Centre and extensive bio of Dr. Edward Bach, please visit the Back Centre’s website:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Many of us lead very busy lives.  We get up, get dressed and get ready for our day.  Some of us may have others that we need to help by starting their day – their children, their pets and even their elderly parents.  It is easy to forget our well-being or to take the time to rejuvenate mind, body and spirit with all the activity going on in our lives.  Do you take the time to ‘unwind’ from the pressures of the day?  Do you allow yourself moments throughout the day to clear your mind so to ensure you do not burn out? 

I remember (not to long ago) going to bed with so many thoughts in my head that I couldn’t even get to sleep.  I would be thinking about all the things that happened throughout my day and how to reconcile any issues in the coming days, weeks and months.  I remember going to bed with my heart racing, like I just finished exercising and I also remember feeling too excited or anxious to go to sleep with all the events of the day replaying in my mind.  There were many times that I have gone to bed with so much negative energy that I would wake up the next day with that same energy.  I knew that I had to do something to try and quiet my mind and body so that I could go to bed in a state of tranquilty and peace and wake up in the same manner.  Here are some of the things that I do now to end my day and rejuvenate my body, my mind and my spirit:

READ – I began reading books about meditation, self-help, spirituality, holistic health and such and found that many of these books promoted a well-being for body, mind and spirit.

MEDITATION – Meditation is great because it really allows us to concentrate on becoming relaxed and to quiet our minds from our daily turmoil and stresses.  Meditation  is not too difficult to do and can be down virtually anywhere.  If you need assistance, I would recommend buying a book and meditation cd so that you can be familiar with the basics (breathing).

WRITE – Writing is a great way to release any pent up negative energy that was accumulated throughout the day

Here is an example of a meditation I complete as I lay in bed in the evening:

I think of a colour that I really love and picture it with a beautiful, positive, healing energy and think about this light entering my body – I imagine it travelling from the tips of my toes up through my feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, groin, buttocks, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, throat, face, head and I also ensure that the same light travels through all my internal and vital organs – ensuring that it destroys any ‘potential’ bad cells.  I also imagine that my good, healthy blood cells attack any unhealthy ones to ensure that my body is funtioning with only good and healthy cells.  Once I complete this portion of the meditation, I surround my body with my most beautiful glow (white light) and send it throughout my hole body (starting at my feet and up through my head)…I imagine this white light/glow escape through my crown chakra (top of my head) and that all this positive energy is sent out into the world and universe.  I take myself to a peaceful place (usually warm and surrounded by sun and water)  I see myself and ask the universe if there is anything that I need to know – I breathe deeply and wait for a response.  I think of peace, love, compassion and see the earth below me – I embrace the world with the positive energy the peace, the love and the compassion that the universe has given me and know that all is how it should be.  I gently bring myself and my awareness back to my body – breathe deeply and wait for sleep.

I may also listen to chants/meditations via other sources to ensure that I have the most comfortable and undisturbed sleep.  Doing this allows me to wake up refreshed and filled with positivity.  How you wake up determines what type of day you will have.  If you wake up and think ‘I don’t want to deal with today, I would rather go back to bed, it sucks getting up’ (which I did, many times in my past) – your day will probably go something like this:  stub toe getting out of bed, swear, drop toothbrush in toilet, trip going into the shower, put 2 different socks on (you won’t notice until later), forget to pack a lunch, irritated getting into the car, the commute is very difficult, you get the worse parking spot, spill coffee all over yourelf, your boss and other employees seem to be very curt today……is that what type of day you want?  Definately not! 

Here is an example of my thoughts/mantra/affirmation as I wake up:

What a beautiful day!  I am so looking forward to the adventures today will bring.  I am happy to be alive, happy and healthy.  I surround myself in a positive light.  I sing/hum in the shower.  I surround my dog and partner in the same wonderful energy that I am feeling and kiss them goodbye.  I surround my car in a protective energy and put on music I love to listen to.  My day is filled with love, laughter and joy and everyone around me seems to be basking in my energy.  All is wonderful in my world.

When someone said “Take the time to smell the flowers” – I believe they really meant it.  So, do take the time to smell the flowers.  Take the time to ensure your well-being.  Take the time to be healthy, happy and positive so that your great energy affects others around you so that they can spread the same energy into our world. 

Together we can make the world a better one!!!


Many of us have a difficult time adapting to change – especially when that change is beyond our control (job loss, death of a friend of family member).  Other changes happen with our intent and are still difficult to adapt to (job re-location, moving,  ending a relationship).  Whatever that change may be in our lives – we must find a positive and pro-active way of dealing with those specific and sometimes, stressful changes.  How we manage our stress due to these changes is key in maintaining good health and emotional well-being.  Here is some advice that I have for managing change in a positive way:

Don’t Panic – We tend to go to the ‘worse case scenario’ before assessing all the facts of the upcoming change.  The change is sometimes not as bad as we may think.

A Sign From The Universe –  Instead of thinking negatively about the impending changes that may come – look at it with positivity.  Could this be ‘a sign’ from the universe that it is time for you to move onto ‘bigger and better things’.  Maybe those changes have been holding you back from what your true passion in life is.

Change is Good – We learn from periods of change.  Whatever change happens for you in your life – think of them as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Allow Yourself To Feel The Emotions Associated With That Change (Good/Bad) – If we don’t allow ourselves to feel that emotions we are supposed to feel due to change that is beyond our control, we will become emotionally and physically sick.  If you experience a death – cry and feel all that needs to be released.  If you lose a job – be angry, hurt and sad.  FEEL!  Allow your body to release the stresses that are associated with those losses.  Without feeling, we are unable to move forward in a positive way for our emotional and physical well-being.

There are many exercises, for both body and mind, that can help you cope with change that is beyond our control; yoga, working out, taking walks, re-connecting with nature, meditation, learning something new (art/cooking/new language), talking with friends/family, etc.  If you have trouble adapted to any changes that are not within your control and you feel that you are becoming physically and emotionally sick – seek medical advise from your health care professional.

I am not saying that all events that happen in your life are going to be easy to manage – that would be a lie.  Life is difficult, change is difficult but knowing and preparing yourself for what is to come and being able to adapt – that is manageable!

Love, light and positive energy to all of you!


Are there any people in your life that have wronged you in any way?  Are you still hanging on to all the emotions that are attached to someone who has caused you grief, anger, hate, hurt, pain and suffering?  If you answered yes, it is time for you to let go of that anger and those old feelings and emotions that are limiting you from moving forward.

Forgiving should not be about making someone else feel good about their actions – Forgiving is about YOU and allowing you to move past whatever event that someone has inflicted on to you in order for you to move forward in a positive way. 

Think about how you feel when someone causes you anger or hurt, it doesnt’ feel good – you withdraw yourself, your body tightens, you clench your fists and your teeth – all things that will cause your body to respond negatively.  Allowing these negative feelings to fester will cause you to become emotionally and physically sick and may even lead to serious illness later in life.  When you don’t let go of the past and when you do not allow yourself to forgive yourself or anyone else that has wronged you – you are only causing yourself emotional and physical pain.

Forgiveness does not justify the actions of those that may have hurt you.  You should remember the hurts and pains that others may have caused you – these are opportunities to learn and grown.  Take your experiences and help others that may have been in a similar situation and help them move forward.  It is hard to forgive someone who has committed a horrible act against you or against someone you love, but if you don’t the alternative can be devasting for you, for your loved ones and for anyone else that comes into your life. 

I have forgiven many people who have caused some minor issues in my life – that was easy.   It was much more difficult to forgive people in my life that have caused me so much hurt, pain, anger and suffering but if I didn’t, I would still be hurting and suffering.  What if you forgive someone and they continue to cause you hurt and pain?  How can you move forward in a positve way and contribute to society if someone continues to hurt you?  You can’t.  In my personal experience, I have removed myself from situations and people that I have forgiven but continue the behaviour that I have forgiven them for.  I also try not to judge those I am forgiving becauase I don’t know what may have happened in their past, maybe they are suffering and holding on to emotions from the past that perpetuate their behaviour?

If you can truly forgive – the potential for creating wonderful, positive, healthy and a rewarding life is endless.  Look within yourself and think about those that you may want to forgive in your past and in your current life.  Forgive them and move on!  You may be the one that someone else needs to forgive – think about that and allow yourself to make things right for those that require your forgiveness.  

May the positive energy you give out into the world – find its way back into your heart and soul!

Things You Can Do To Quiet Your Mind

There are so many things that easily distract us in our day-to-day lives – things that can preoccupy our minds and cause much unwanted static.  Television is a primary source to inject our minds with fear, anger, hurt and disappointment.  I believe that most networks want us to fill our time watching meaningless reality television or programs that do not promote positivity in our world.  We are constantly bombarded with negative news stories from around the world about politics, the economy, natural disasters, mass murder, environmental disasters etc…It is hard to remain positive in a world that seems to only want to instil fear, hate, anger and rage.  I have found many ways to ensure that my mind is not filled with the poison that television tries to ingest into us (besides the obvious of turning the television off), here are my 10 favourites:

1.  Exercise

If you have had a bad day – and you have much pent-up frustration and anger inside of you, there is no better way to release this anger than by working out.  Getting the blood flowing in your body is a great way to release stress, anger and the days frustrations.  Start with some light full body warm ups, then 30 – 45 minutes of strength training and ending with a nice relaxing 15 – 20 minute jog.  You will feel rejuvenated having released your frustrations and have a sense that you have accomplished something great for your mental and physical health.

2.  Meditation

A great way to relax for daily tension is to meditate.  This may take some practice (especially for those who find it difficult to silence your inner voice) but once you have practiced a few short meditations, you will find it very rewarding to connect with a higher consciousness.  By quieting our inner voice, we can sync our energies and focus on the things that  are of real importance to us.

3.  Go Back To Nature

A great way to give us perspective on what really should matter in our lives is the natural and beautiful landscapes our earth has given us.  Going back to nature is a great way to forget about our troubles and to quiet the mind.  Listen to the whisper of the trees, the gentle sounds of water meeting with the shoreline and the relaxing chimes of the birds singing.  If you really want to feel connected to our earth and marvel at its beauty – you don’t really have to go far.  Connecting with our earth may even ignite a passion in you to defend its natural beauty.

4.  Learn Something New That Isn’t Too Stressful

If you love art – try taking an art class.  If you love to cook – take a cooking class.  If you love languages or have always wanted to speak another language – take a course to learn a new language.  If you love to dance – take a dance class.  The opportunities are endless and we are never to old to learn something new and exciting.  Never limit yourself to what you can’t do but to what you want to do.  Look at learning new things as fun and good rather than scary and hard – this will make learning something new so much more positive.

5.  Listen to your favourite music and music artist(s)

I always found that listening to my favourite light music has always allowed me to relax from daily tension.  If your music library has been worn out….try listening to new music – especially world music.  I found that New Age and Chillout  music has contributed much to helping me quiet the static in my mind.

6.  Keep a journal

I find that keeping a journal (you don’t have to write in it daily – although you probably will) and writing every time you feel stressed, angry, upset, hurt etc…will allow you to release that stress or whatever pain you are feeling from keeping your feelings inside.  This is a great way to help you understand and pinpoint the exact reason someone or something is bothering you.  Sometimes what is really bothering us is not really what we thought it was at all.

7.  Read a book by your favourite author or take the time to discover a new one

A great way to take your mind of something that has been festering in you is by reading a book.   Reading takes some concentration and the use of our imagination – once you pick up a book you will have to focus on giving those words meaning and bringing them to life.  What better way to escape from our day-to-day lives by creating a world using only words and our imaginations.

We don’t realize how important it is to give our minds a break from the demanding and fast-paced pressures of today’s world.  Many people can’t even function without the help of pharmaceuticals to keep us going – some people need help with sleep, anxiety, depression, stress, nervousness, etc….if we just took the time to quiet our minds and allow ourselves the luxury to really feel and be present in what we feel and what we do – we would be so much more loving and positive with one another.