I always believed that, as I got older, things would become better in our world.  The environment would be taken care of, animals would have the protection they required against cruelty, there would be tougher laws for those who inflicted hate crimes against the LGBT community, corporations would not dictate legislation, government would award companies that invested in sustainable energy, there would be laws against deforestation, laws against the use of animals for our entertainment and for clothing, we would see the protection of our water from BIG OIL, we would outlaw deforestation due to cattle farming basically, we would find new approaches and ideas for the things that have disabled the planet.

So many people believe they can’t effect change because they are only one person – but if that passion was felt by many, imagine the positive changes that would begin to happen across the planet.  The politicians and policies of yesterday should be left in the past – they haven’t served us well.  It is time for a new generation to rise and to actually do some good for the planet because this is the only one we have.  It is time for past generations to release their hold of power and allow a new generation to fix the mistakes they have made to ensure our survival and to pave the way for positive change in the world.

Here are some things that generations past have left us to contend with – it is up to ALL OF US to end this and to look for new ways that don’t harm the planet, our environment, our water, our land, animals and our people.  It’s time to make things right:

WE CAN DO SOMETHING – Share this information, write your politicians and hold them accountable – ask them to support sustainable energy, educate yourself and support companies that have excellent environmental policies and DO NOT contribute to the destruction of the planet.  Also – you don’t need more ‘things’ to be happy.  Surround yourself with positive people who want to contribute to healing our planet.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


How many times have we heard people saying:  “one person can’t make a difference”?  Well, today’s blog post will focus on environmental issues of one person or one community working towards making a difference for the greater good of the environment.  Enjoy!

Oslo, Norway – Imports garbage from England, Ireland and neighbouring Sweden to heat half of the city and most of its schools by burning garbage such as; household trash, industrial waste and even toxic and dangerous waste from hospitals and drug arrests.

Palo Alto, California, USA – Embracing new laws to promote electric vehicles, city officials adopted a policy mandating that every new house be wired to accommodate charging stations for electric vehicles.

Video – The Ocean Cleanup Array Project

Boyan Slat, an 18-year old Aerospace Engineering student at TU Delft, developed this project that collects and removes plastic trash from the ocean:

The Truth about Wind Turbines

It is amazing when the concepts and ideas of individuals are brought to life and given a chance to prove their success.  Without trying we would never know.  So why is it taking so long for people to warm up to sustainable energy and innovative ideas that will curb climate change and benefit our environment?  Could it be that those who support ‘dirty oil’ and those who benefit from it won’t be able to amass the profits they would should the public warm to the idea of sustainable energy?  YES, that is precisely why.  Profit is much more important than the sake of our planet – until, WE THE PEOPLE, demand better.  We need to stand together and collectively create positive change in the world through peaceful protest. 

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


My spouse and I were invited to celebrate on of my nephew’s son’s birthday.  They decided to have it at a Provincial Park – a park my parent’s began taking us to over 30 years ago.  The celebration was fun and the day was beautiful!  My only complaint is how ignorant and disrespectful people are towards our environment.

Everywhere I looked – there was garbage.  People left beer bottles, plastic water bottles, balloons, bottle caps, newspapers, coffee cups, diapers,  fast food containers/garbage and various other waste items scattered about the park.  The ironic thing about all the garbage everywhere is that there were recycle and waste bins everywhere throughout the park.  Is it so hard to walk your trash to a container and separate the recycling from the actual waste?  I guess to many people – this is a very complicated matter.  Do people think because it is a provincial park that the workers can pick up the garbage they left behind?  Are people not aware that by not throwing out their own garbage that park rates will go up because of their ignorance.  Not too mention – the impact the garbage will have on the wildlife – animals can’t digest plastic – just like we can’t.  If people continue to leave all their garbage in the parks, the animals will eat it, get sick and die.

I was very conscious of the garbage near the water shoreline, in the water, in bushes, etc.  My resolution was that if I started to pick some of the waste up and throw it into bins that others would follow my example.  I mentioned to the family members that were there that it was important to teach our children to respect our environment and wildlife.  I suggested that they don’t throw plastic bottles/caps into the bush as animals would probably try to eat them.  I also asked that they pick up all the water balloons they tossed around to ensure that they would not be eaten by curious animals/birds.  It was nice to know that most of my family appreciated my concern and ensured that all their garbage and other garbage was collected.

Not only is plastic bottles, coffee cups, paper and other various garbage a problem but there were cigarette butts everywhere!  I not only witness people litter when they throw their cigarette butts out of their cars on the highway or on the road – but they litter our sidewalks and parks with countless cigarette packages and cigarette butts with no regard to the environment and wildlife.  You have a car – are they not equipped with ashtrays?

It is difficult for me to bite my tongue or become upset when I see the lack of respect people have for our environment whether it is at natural parks, city parks, beaches, etc…..THROW YOUR GARBAGE OUT in the proper bins – this is not hard to do and while you are at it – teach your children to respect our environment by teaching them to recycle and to throw out their garbage.  If we all did our part – we can save many animals and our parks can be appreciated the way they were meant to be appreciated.  Lead by example – if you see garbage anywhere – pick it up and throw it out.  What is the worst thing that can happen – someone will witness your action and follow your example.  Do your part!