There have been many things in my life that have and continue to allow me to reach my full potential, things like; lacking confidence or motivation but, the one thing that has really held me back in moving forward with my life is forgiving those who did me wrong.  I felt that forgiving them was actually giving them justification for what they did do me.  I continued to hang onto to my hate, anger and distaste towards those who wronged me until I learned that the only person that I was hurting was myself.  Anger and hate doesn’t promote healing, hanging onto these emotions and feelings only allow disease to fester and grow within you.  I learned that forgiving people who have emotionally and physically harmed me, doesn’t mean that you have to forget what they did to you – it just means that you can let go of the feelings associated with the harm they have inflicted.  Forgiveness is wonderful because it doesn’t assign blame to anyone – I wasn’t to blame for the hurt and pain that others caused me, and they weren’t to blame either because they were not responsible for the hurt and the pain that was inflicted upon them.  Here is what forgiveness gave back to me:

  • awareness that I was hurt
  • release for the guilt I felt about being physically and emotionally harmed
  • relief for releasing the bottled up emotions that I continued to hang onto
  • the power to create new positive and effective relationships with those who hurt me
  • love for myself and love for those I forgave  

What feelings and emotions will you be letting go of when you allow yourself to forgive those who have emotionally and physically harmed you?  Here are some powerful videos on the topic of forgiveness:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.



Eckhart Tolle is a perfect example of someone who is living in THE NOW…..he is attentive and I love that he really thinks about his words prior to just speaking out and answering his audience.  Listen to this brief but important lesson on forgiveness.

For more on Eckhart’s teachings and for more about him, please visit his website: