
What can you find on this site?  Here are some examples (numbers reflected are real-time and will have changed by the time you finish reading this):


  • 75 billion emails have been sent
  • 1.4 billion blogs have been written
  • 251 million tweets have been sent
  • 1.4 billion Google searches have been made


  • 7.2 billion is the current world population (and growing – SCARY)
  • 130 million births have occurred this year
  • 138,000+ births have occurred today


  • 14, 239 days left to the end of oil (under 39 years)
  • 27 million MWh used from renewable energy sources
  • 116 million MWh used from non-renewable energy sources

The statistics from this site paint a portrait of a world in dire need of help.  We only have one planet and we are depleting its resources at an alarming rate.  There is only 39 years left before the earth is depleted of oil….so why are oil companies still searching for new areas to drill in?  If we know that ‘dirty oil’ is a contributing factor in climate change, why risk drilling in areas of the world that would ensure a much more serious future in terms of devastating climate.   The Arctic should be off-limits to big oil corporations and should be protected as the Antarctica is.  (Thanks Greenpeace).

We need to make changes in our lives, in our homes, in our towns, cities and countries that will ensure we create positive change for our environment and our planet.  Really think about what you buy, who you buy and where you buy your products from.  Is your food locally grown and supporting local farmers?  Are the companies you are supporting giving back to the environment – and are environmentally safe?  Are the companies you buy from supporting deforestation, killing/displacing endangered species?  If we don’t start changing our habits and our need to consume anything and everything – our future will be much different from it is today.  

Let’s help create a future where our children will have clean water and clean air.  Let’s ask governments and corporations to make the environment the number one priority – tax corporations for polluting.  Let’s protect forests and lakes and highly sensitive eco-systems from corporation greed.  

Is it possible to curb these statistics to ensure a positive future for humanity?  Yes we can, however, we can’t change things without action and without a major shift in how we live our daily lives.  What are you willing to do to ensure a brighter future?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!