Have you ever thought about the life an animal had before you ate it?  Where they ripped away from their mother?  Did the animal suffer before it ended up on your plate?  Did it have adequate living conditions? 

Have you thought about the animals that are used for clothing and fashion?  How about all those caged animals in zoos, water parks, at the circus, bullfights, rodeos and horse races?  How were they treated before their lifetime of living in cages just to be used to entertain us?  Do we really need animal experimentation to test the safety of household products, drugs and even make-up?  I’m sure there would be willing humans that would act as test subjects.

I think it is everyone’s responsibility to learn how these animals were obtained in order for them to be used for our food, fashion and entertainment.  ***Please note:  these images DO NOT compare to those I have seen of how animals are killed, beaten and tortured for food, fashion and entertainment – Also, all images obtained via internet****

FOR FOOD – Here is the reality of factory farming.  CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR ANIMALS.

Farmed BeefCaged PigsCaged Chickens

FOR SPORT – Are animals really enjoying themselves when they are subjected to this:

Horse dies during raceWhite Albino MoosePoor calf

Elephant in painBull soaked in bloodFishing

FOR FASHION and ENTERTAINMENT – Animals are meant to roam and explore not to rot in cages in misery all their lives.

Working orcaElephant and fur-wearing modelBear prisoner

Tigers through the ring of fireElephants and horses in the circusFoxes for fur

FOR MEDICINE/SCIENCE – Animals are often used to test many things such as; make-up, household products, pharmaceutical drugs and many other things.  THEY DO NOT DESERVE THIS, especially today!

Experimental bunniesPoor monkeyTest beagles

Test monkeyWhite 'test' cat

I believe that we must advocate for those who can’t advocate for themselves.  Animals need our compassion and help – they only cry out in pain and discomfort.  We must be their voice and help them out of their cages and free them from their abuse cycle.  Animals are meant to live their lives freely and humanely.  We would be outraged if humans were treated the same way animals are.  We fight for the rights of criminals and dictator’s, we glorify war and we deplore violence towards children and women – why do we feel so disconnected when it comes to the lives of animals?

I know that we can make a difference in the lives of animals.  We can end their suffering, we can end their pain and we can end their torture…..all you have to do is understand that they, like us, have feelings and souls.  Just look into their eyes and you will see and feel their cry for help.


Free at last! AND THIS Turtle and butterfly


AS WELL AS THIS……Lazy PandaElephant and baby calf

Green Earth 2MooseMom and calf


Chimp and white tigerDian FosseyIngrid Newkirk


Bird in handHen and ChicksMom and calf