Have you ever thought about what motivates you on a daily basis?  Do you get up shower, eat breakfast and then go to work because that is what we are taught or supposed to do?  Do you go through your daily routine because you have to – after all, we do have to pay bills and feed ourselves, right?  Have you really thought about why you are going through the daily motions and the state of mind you are in when you do them?  Take a long hard look at what you are doing and then ask yourself why you are doing it.

I always acted on what I was supposed to do and not what I really wanted to do.  My parents always said “get an education, finish school because that is the only way you will end up with a decent job”.  They never encouraged me to follow my dreams and what I was passionate about.  It was much more important to get a pay cheque than to be happy.  I really can’t pinpoint the pivotal moment in my life when I started to think differently.  I have always known that I was passionate about animals, human rights and our environment but I never really had the support from my parents to act out on my passion.  I also lacked the self-confidence to tell myself that it was okay to be passionate in helping someone other than myself.  The support system that was in place for me, really emphasized my need to do what everyone else was doing – go to work and get a pay cheque – the more money I made the happier I would be.  I am so glad that I have grown and have become so comfortable in my own skin not to believe the ridiculous statement of ‘the more money I make, the happier I will be’.

I don’t have any regrets about not having the realization to act out of passion much sooner than I had because, I wouldn’t have learned the lessons that I was supposed to learn to become the person I am today.  I have made it my mission and purpose in life to ensure that I accomplish the thinks I want to do because I am passionate about them and not because of what I can get out of accomplishing those goals.

I was thrilled when I came out of the darkness – it was a process that took over 25 years and that continues today.  Whether you know it or not – we are constantly being told what to think, what to eat, which pill to take, what exercises to do, what to watch, where to shop, what to buy etc….In order to ‘wake-up’ – we must first silence all of the static around us.  That static only instills fear and confusion into us so that we don’t act in an authentic way.  In order to silence the static – we need to stop listening to all the negative news stories that the media constantly bombards us with – instead of political scandals, why not take the time to learn what the candidates state for and make your voting decision based on what you think is important for your town/city/province/state/country or world?  If you are not happy with the stance your political leaders have on the issues – demand better of them, it is our duty and our right to do so.  Other ways of removing the static from our lives is to meditate, exercise and proper nutrition.  If you do these thing you will not need the mind-numbing drugs that are consistently being subscribed to us, whether they are for physical ailments or mental anguish – all prescription drugs do is numb our bodies, our minds and our souls.

Coming out of the darkness – has allowed me to think clearer.  It has allowed me to make my own decisions about religion, politics and social issues.  I have learned that many of the lessons that were taught to me were lessons other people believed to be true.  For example;  I was always led to believe that eating meat was essential to our survival until I found the truth to be something different.  Every time I met a vegetarian/vegan – I would pass judgement on them for my lack of understanding.  My decision to stop eating animals was a more ethical one but educating myself on how we obtain pork/chicken/beef and the environmental implications alone was what made my decision much easier.  We need to ask ourselves – Why do we never see PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals) statistics or advertisements?  Why is it okay to be told that we must drink milk or over-stuff ourselves with this beef burger or that chicken/fish sandwich?

Coming out of the darkness, has also allowed me to awaken my passion for our environment.  I was always in awe of nature’s beauty.  Any of my friends can tell you, that I was always happiest when I was with nature and appreciating its beauty.  I was always outraged whenever I witnessed mass man-made devastation on our planets parks, forests, lakes, rivers and oceans but I never acted on that passion because I was always told that there was nothing that we could do to prevent that devastation.  How much more of a difference could I have made had I listened to that voice inside of me?  That doesn’t matter because I am doing what I can now.

I am creating awareness about the plight of our environment via this blog.  I use social networking to ensure that the messages that need to be heard about the unethical treatment of animals and our environment is getting out there.  The truth needs to be told and I am doing my part.  The issues that matter most to me – I believe, are issues that should matter to all of us – cleaner air, sustainable energy, electric cars, greener homes, organic farming (not genetically modified foods).  If we all made an effort – we would definitely begin to see positive outcomes for our way of life, for our planet and most of all – for our future.

Here are some great resources to ensure you receive the correct information about our environment, climate change, nutrition and becoming a vegetarian/vegan.  Arming yourself with the facts is a start to taking the proper course of action:

PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals)


Together, we can make the world a more positive one.