A few years ago, I purchased Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s perpetual flip calendar based on his best-selling book, The Power of Intention.  The calendar is filled with daily affirmations to keep us focused on bringing positive energy into our lives.  Here is what Dr. Wayne W. Dyer says about the calendar:

“I’ve put together this calendar because I know that intention is a field of energy that flows invisibly beyond the reach of our normal, everyday habitual patterns.  It’s a force that we all have within us, and we have the power to draw this energy into our lives by being the energy we want to attract.”

Today’s affirmation is:

If life is infinite, then this is not life.  Grasping this concept will connect you permanently to the infinite Source of Creation that intends everything.

A few weeks ago – one affirmation really connected with me.  I don’t follow any religious doctrine and don’t really associate myself with any religion but after reading this affirmation, I really felt that it embraced all that I believe, here is that affirmation:

Practice wanting for others what you want for yourself by being Christ-like rather than a Christian, Mohammed-like rather than a Muslim, and Buddha-like rather than a Buddhist.

It is something we all know but rarely think about.  It’s a simple statement that addresses a behaviour and not rules or laws.  If you want goodness in your life – be good.  If you want to attract positive energy – be positive.  It is really that simple and that is a religion I understand.

You can purchase any of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s books, cds, cards etc via:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


I would like to re-iterate my stance for those people who believe that I made a choice to become homosexual……I DIDN’T, I WAS BORN JUST AS I AM.

Many Christians believe that people one day decide to try the homosexual lifestyle.  I ask them – for what purpose?  Can a so-called ‘straight’ woman or man all of a sudden make the decision to involve themselves with someone of the same-sex?  If it was that easy for us to make this transition – than anyone can become gay.  So I ask these same Christians – why haven’t you made the switch to the gay lifestyle if it is indeed a choice?

I lived the heterosexual lifestyle because society, religion, friends and family were telling me that being homosexual was wrong.  I can’t change my past but I can say this – I wish I could have had the confidence, courage and strength to live my authentic lifestyle without fear of what others may have thought instead of making my realization that nothing was wrong with me at the age of 21.

I am tired of so many people using the ‘religious’ argument to justify their hate.  Here is a perfect example of this ignorance and bias:

This group of students and teachers at Sullivan High School in Indiana want to ban gays from their prom and have what they call a ‘traditional prom’ – What is their definition of a ‘traditional prom’?  What does that even mean?  Diana Medley is a special education teacher who believes that people are not born gay – I would love the opportunity to discuss this with her as I can’t really remember the actual date of when I decided to become homosexual (said sarcastically). Diana Medley goes on to say that “I believe that it was life circumstances and they chose to be that way; God created everyone equal.” – What hypocrisy.  If God created everyone equally – then why is she going out of her way to go against God’s plan to treat everyone equally?  Ms. Medley should be fired for making these statements – her statements are potentially hurtful to those who are struggling with their coming out and living their authentic lives.

I hope that the Sullivan High School Board does not allow this type of discrimination – when I hear of stories like this, they remind me of a man who tried his best to wipe out a group of people because he felt they were inferior to what he felt was the superior race.  Adolf Hitler sent jews, homosexuals, people of colour and people who had opposing religious beliefs from his to their deaths because they “didn’t fit” in his notions of superiority.  It wasn’t long ago that people of colour were considered lower class citizens just because of the colour of their skin – discrimination is unacceptable!  Period.  I’m not religious but I do know that if God exists he wouldn’t stand for this type of hate and neither should we.  We should live from love, compassion and without judgement.

Straight But Not NarrowLove =

Together we can make the world a more positive one!