A few years ago, I purchased Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s perpetual flip calendar based on his best-selling book, The Power of Intention.  The calendar is filled with daily affirmations to keep us focused on bringing positive energy into our lives.  Here is what Dr. Wayne W. Dyer says about the calendar:

“I’ve put together this calendar because I know that intention is a field of energy that flows invisibly beyond the reach of our normal, everyday habitual patterns.  It’s a force that we all have within us, and we have the power to draw this energy into our lives by being the energy we want to attract.”

Today’s affirmation is:

If life is infinite, then this is not life.  Grasping this concept will connect you permanently to the infinite Source of Creation that intends everything.

A few weeks ago – one affirmation really connected with me.  I don’t follow any religious doctrine and don’t really associate myself with any religion but after reading this affirmation, I really felt that it embraced all that I believe, here is that affirmation:

Practice wanting for others what you want for yourself by being Christ-like rather than a Christian, Mohammed-like rather than a Muslim, and Buddha-like rather than a Buddhist.

It is something we all know but rarely think about.  It’s a simple statement that addresses a behaviour and not rules or laws.  If you want goodness in your life – be good.  If you want to attract positive energy – be positive.  It is really that simple and that is a religion I understand.

You can purchase any of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s books, cds, cards etc via:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!