Those governments who say they are respectful of the democratic process – are they really?  I live in a country (Canada) where the government works much harder to please BIG CORPORATION than to please the people who put them in power.  This is similar all over the world – governments are cracking down on civilians who challenge them and use the excuse of dissent and even consider that dissent to be domestic terrorism.

I want to live in a world where countries respect the democratic process and politicians work to ensure that our environment, the planet and its people are taken care of.  We must become more vigilant in the democratic process – we have a right to hold our politicians accountable for the policies they create.  These policies must be respectful to the people and our environment and not beneficial to BIG OIL, banks and corporations.

We must raise our voices – no more whispering, we must now ensure that corrupt governments and politicians here our roar.

Please watch this trailer for the political documentary by Ben Moss called, A Whisper to a Roar – hopefully it will inspire you to create positive change in our world.  You can watch it on Netflix.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.