Many people believe that a vegan diet limits you to eating a nutritious and balanced meals.  That is simply NOT true.  You do not have to eat meat or dairy in order to receive proper nutrients – despite what “experts” say.  The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has recently indicated that meat causes cancer, something many vegans, holistic health-care practitioners and doctors already knew.

Today’s blog IS NOT about proving the above claims as I don’t require the proof as what I eat and the state of my health is proof enough.  So, what do I eat??  Here are some of the many vegan dishes I have made and eat regularly:


Tofu scramble, baked home-fries, meatless sausage, toast and beans in a tomato sauce make for a delicious and hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner.


This is a vegan version of an egg salad sandwich.  It includes seasoned tofu, vegan mayo, celery and green onion.


Breakfast could not be more delicious with a serving of vegan pancakes topped with maple syrup and fresh and organic strawberries.


How can you make a vegan pizza??  Easy – this pizza was made with quinoa balls, green olives, tomato, dairy-free cheese and tomato sauce.  The crust is a whole-grain crust.


I love experimenting with salads.  This is a lightly fried tofu and garden salad.  I add a combination of mixed greens, carrots and cucumber.  For the dressing – it’s either a home-made oil and vinegar or I buy an organic vinaigrette dressing.  I also add hemp, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.


This is a seasoned tofu stir fry – I make sure only to use NON-GMO and organic tofu.  I also use a salt-free stir fry sauce if I don’t make my own.


Another mixed green salad – this one includes avocados and beans.


Meatless ‘loaf’ with some baked potatoes and seasoned peas.


Oven roasted tofu with mash and seasoned roasted vegetables.  Great substitute for turkey during the holidays.  The key is knowing how to season it.


Seasoned tofu steaks, lemon-ginger brocoli and carrots.


A mixed bean salad with meatless ‘italian sausage’.


Mixed vegetable salad with rice and breaded and meatless ‘chicken’.

I sometimes drink a vegan wine and prefer Yellow Tale from Australia.  I occasionally have coffee and only drink it with either soy or almond milk.  I rarely have any white pasta or rice – the rice is usually whole grain and the pasta either kamut, rice or quinoa.

My decision to become first vegetarian then vegan was mainly due to my spouse’s decision to go vegetarian.  I later became vegan after watching a video of rabbits screaming in pain – it changed my life.  At that moment, I decided that I could no longer support an industry that caused animals so much pain and suffering.  I later concluded that by not eating these tortured souls that I wouldn’t be consuming the pain and suffering those animals endured.  I really am conscious of what I buy and what companies make an effort to support a cruelty-free life for animals.

Along with the ethical reasons I became vegan – I wanted to make a difference in curbing climate change.  Agriculture and raising beef for food is the biggest culprit in climate change.  Cattle ranching is a huge cause in deforestation across the planet – and this is the tip of the iceberg (pardon the pun).  You can find proof of the effects cattle ranching has on our environment by visiting any of the following sites:

We all have a responsibility to end cruelty against one another, including the animals we share the planet with.  We also have a responsibility to the planet that has given us so much.  We need to focus on healing it and ensuring the children of tomorrow have the right to clean water, clean air and clean food.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Here is a list of companies that DO NOT test on animals and that I encourage you to support:

  1. Jason Natural Cosmetics
  2. Abercrombie & Fitch
  3. Bobbi Brown
  4. Coca-Cola Company
  5. Clinique Laboratories
  6. Hugo Naturals
  7. John Paul Mitchell Systems
  8. M.A.C. Cosmetics
  9. Nature’s Best
  10. Paul Mitchell
  11. PepsiCo
  12. Victoria’s Secret
  13. Weleda
  14. Tommy Hilfiger
  15. Sebona Naturals
  16. Revlon
  17. Natural Salt Lamps
  18. Nature’s Plus
  19. Fabula Skincare & Wellness
  20. Earth Friendly Products

Here are some Health Charities THAT DO fund animal research (and that you may not want to support):

  1. American Foundation for AIDS Research (AMFAR)
  2. Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research
  3. Alzheimer Society of Canada
  4. Alzheimer’s Disease Research (American Health Assistance Foundation)
  5. March of Dimes
  6. American Red Cross
  7. Canadian Blood Services
  8. Shriners Burn Institute
  9. Canadian Cancer Society
  10. American Institute for Cancer Research
  11. American Heart Association
  12. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
  13. American Diabetes Association
  14. Canadian Diabetes Association
  15. Christopher Reeve Foundation
  16. ALS Society of Canada
  17. Schizophrenia Society of Canada
  18. Terry Fox Foundation
  19. Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
  20. Stem Cell Research Foundation

Here are some Health Charities THAT DO NOT fund animal research (PLEASE SUPPORT THESE CHARITIES):

  1. The Angel Connection (AIDS/HIV)
  2. AIDS Emergency Fund
  3. Arthritis Research Institute of America
  4. Helen Keller International
  5. Canadian Red Cross (Croix-Rouge Canadienne)
  6. American Breast Cancer Foundation
  7. Children’s Wish Foundation International
  8. APS Foundation of America
  10. American Pediatric Heart Fund
  11. Help Hospitalized Veterans
  12. PRIDE Youth Programs
  13. Parkinson’s Resource Organization
  14. Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
  15. Muscular Dystrophy Family Foundation
  16. International Suicide Prevention
  17. APS Foundation of America
  18. Prairie Mission Retirement
  19. Action Against Hunger
  20. Easter Seal Society

For a more comprehensive list of Health Charities that do and do not fund animal research please, request a brochure from

You can also request a PETA’s Cruelty Free Shopping Guide brochure and support all the many businesses that allow you to purchase great products/services humanely.


Thanks for reading – please share my blog with your friends and family and let’s collectively help create a more positive and peaceful world.