It is sometimes difficult to maintain a positive composure when so many people are you are rude, inconsiderate, angry and sometimes hateful.  I try not to let the negative energy of others affect me by doing things that keep me in positive light.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Compliment everyone you meet throughout the day.
  • Buy a positive affirmations calendar and connect with each daily affirmation.
  • Create positive affirmations that allow you to stay connected to positive energy.
  • Take notice of the triggers of your ‘low level energy’ and avoid them.
  • Surround yourself with people who love to laugh and have a positive energy aura.
  • Sit, walk, exercise in a natural environment (park, lake, river, etc.) or peaceful place and affirm that you are happy, healthy and ALIVE.
  • Be kind to others.
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Surround yourself with LOVE!

Remember that people who are negative, angry and rude may have not had the best day.  You don’t know what anyone else has or is going through, try not to make judgments on them.  You will never know when you will be in need from the kindness of strangers.



Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


When you allow your passion to shine – anything can happen.  This is a video of a young 15 year old who passionately speaks on climate change at the United Nations.  This speech is one that we must ALL listen to and stand behind.  This young man is our future – a future that is concerned about their well-being, the well-being of the planet and of future generations.  Listen and share the words and passion of Xiuhtezcatl Roske Martinez:

For more about this great and passionate individual, please visit:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


When you look at people – look them directly in the eyes and smile.

Help anyone who is struggling to open a door or to walk up a flight of stairs.

Compliment everyone you talk with today.

If you encounter someone who is asking for money, ask them if you can buy them lunch.

You don’t know what another person is going through or what is happening in their lives – so be kind and act from love and without judgments.  Just because someone is homeless and asking for money, it doesn’t mean that they are dependent on drugs or alcohol.

When you act from a place of love without accepting to get something in return, you will only receive what it is you give out.

Path To Love

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


What has made you the person you are today?  Every single event that has happened in my life, both good and bad, have shaped me to become who I am today.  Along the way I have accumulated some very deep emotional scars – it is how I death with these scars that have allowed me to move towards positive acceptance of how I received those scars.

The first major scar that I can remember was the outcome of the physical and emotional abuse I suffered.  Unlike physical scars, the emotional scars could not be healed as quickly.  I managed to bury my emotions – I hid them in the deepest recesses of my mind because I thought if my emotions, feelings and thoughts were witnessed by others, I would end up with more emotional scars.

I thought by drinking and experimenting with drugs would allow me to deal and live with my emotional scars.  That was not the case.  Hiding behind drugs and alcohol only exasperated my need to hide further within myself.  I buried the authentic individual I was meant to become.  I buried his dreams and his hopes.

Eventually, I knew I had to deal with my emotional issues and move towards a more healing and positive life but I didn’t know how to get to that point.  Mental illness was frowned upon as being weak and crazy, homosexuality was definitely not accepted in my family or in society.  I thought the only way I could heal was to find someone to love and to hide my sexuality – which only created more emotional scars.

After the constant lying to myself and to everyone in my life, I figured the best way to rectify everything was to die.  I contemplated suicide many times and the failure to do that became an emotional scar.  I hated myself and began to hate everyone around me.  I couldn’t trust anyone and felt everyone I met was only going to hurt me.  Looking back now, I realized how important alcohol was to me.  It was a means to escape and I escaped so well that there were moments that I blacked out from the alcohol.  For me, that was sweet relief.

I can’t pinpoint the moment I “woke up” and began to turn my life around but I do know two incidents that awakened my soul.  The moment I acknowledged that I was born the way the I was supposed to be.  Being homosexual was part of who I was – I didn’t wake up one day and decide that I wanted to be gay, I just was.  If there is a God – he created me in his image as he created women in theirs, or people with darker skin or lighter eyes.  I couldn’t change because that was a part of me.  The other moment was when I fell in love.  I realized love is supposed to hurt, it is supposed to make you angry, to make you feel sad and to assist you in becoming your authentic self.

I know so many others in the world have gone through much worse than I did and haven’t even begun to deal with their emotional scars.  Looking back, I love my scars.  My scars have allowed me to have so much love for animals that I have decided not to eat them or wear them.  My scars allowed me to fight for our planet because there is no other planet as beautiful as our home.  And finally, my scars have allowed me to inspire people to create positive change in the world – to spread joy, wellness and love.  My scars are beautiful because they helped me become the person I am today.


Just take me with all my stupid flaws
Changing me’s like shooting in the dark
Patience please, I’ll never be as perfect as you want me to be-lieve me I want it just as bad
Forgive me, wish I could change the past
Take it ‘cos I’ll never be as perfect as you want

I think you’re confusing me with somebody else
I won’t apologize for being myself

Take me with all of my beautiful scars
I love you the way that you are
I come to you with all my flaws
With all my beautiful scars
I love you the way that you are
With all my beautiful scars

Don’t judge me, just gotta let me be
Accept me, although I’m incomplete
My im-per-fections make me unique that’s my belief

I think you’re confusing me with somebody else
I won’t apologize for being myself

Take me with all of my beautiful scars
I love you the way that you are
I come to you with all my flaws
With all my beautiful scars
I love you the way that you are
With all my beautiful scars

Never say never
Anything is possible
Always been a rebel
Overcoming obstacles
I can’t give you perfect
But I can give you forever, oh ohoh oh oh

Take me with all of my beautiful scars
I love you the way that you are
I come to you with all my flaws
With all my beautiful scars
I love you the way that you are
With all my beautiful scars

With all my beautiful scars
I love you the way that you are
(You got to love me, you got to love me…)
(You got to love me, you got to love me..

MLVC (2015)

Rob Pavao





A couple of days ago, a few work colleagues and I decided to go to WholeFoods to buy our lunch.  While my two co-workers paid for their lunch, I decided to scout for a table.  I approached a table in which an elderly lady was just leaving and she asked if I wanted to take her table.  I said yes and thank you.  I sensed that this lady wanted someone to talk to so I listened to her as I waited for my co-workers.  Her name was Gladys and she basically gave me a brief overview of what she has gone through in her life.  It was a fascinating 20 minutes.  The things she talked most passionately about was her 52 year marriage to her now deceased husband.  She indicated that she still missed him very much after 8 years since his passing.  She also talked about the lack of compassion in health care professionals today – mainly doctors and that they are just in it for the money.  She indicated that she is a firm believer of God and that He is the only reason the she continues to live today.  I wrote a blog a few days ago entitled: THERE IS NO WAR ON CHRISTIANS, THERE IS A WAR ON LOVE.  Everything happens for a reason and this woman came into my life so that I could be reminded that not all people who are religious are hateful and without compassion.

Gladys was an amazing woman with much compassion, a love for her faith and God, honest and very warm.  This meeting was a reminder for me to not judge and to learn that there is much more love in the world than evil.  The message I received from meeting Gladys was to keep going and to continue my passion to promote love and create positive change in the world.

I may not believe in organized religion or many of the writings in The Bible but, what I do believe is if others receive comfort in their belief in God and do not judge others for because they don’t believe – than I’m okay with that.  Isn’t that what GOD really is all about – to have love for everyone without judgements?  I thank Gladys for reminding me of this and for being the great Christian woman that she is.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



Today, I want to share a personal goal with you in hopes to inspire you to create your own personal and achievable goals.  I’ll share my thoughts via this blog in what I hope to gain through this personal goal.

I have always believed that I was fairly healthy after I stopped smoking and eating meat but that wasn’t the case.  I still drink socially (sometimes excessively) and I sometimes eat what I call ‘processed healthy foods’.  I’m not unhealthy but I know that I could look and feel better.  Knowing this, I decided to set a goal to become the healthiest I have ever been in my life by the time I reach 50 – that gives me 4 years.

I have made a commitment to juice more, eat more healthier plant-based foods and decrease my intake of alcohol.  In the past 5 months, I have gone to the gym at least 3 times per week.  Now that my membership has finished, I have decided to enjoy a more holistic workout by jogging outside, doing weights at home and other strength training exercises without being obligated to a gym.

The last 4 days of jogging haven’t been easy – I am so used to cardio training on an elliptical machine and not the rough terrain of country roads.  The first day was hard, my breathing issues kicked in and I had to walk have of my route.  The second day wasn’t as hard and I managed to jog most of the 5.3 kilometres.  The third day was okay and today’s jog was okay.  I completed my 5.3 kilometres in 38.13 minutes – that’s a pace of about 7:15 minutes per kilometre.  It’s hard but I enjoy it because I know results can’t come without hard work.

Here are some photos of my jogging route (which makes it much more enjoyable):

The start of the jog.  About 1.5km

The start of the jog. About 1.5km

Jogging on the 15th Concession

Jogging on the 15th Concession

Another km on Tiny Beaches Road North

Another km on Tiny Beaches Road North

Meeting friends along the way.

Meeting friends along the way.

Getting a littler closer to my new friend.

Getting a littler closer to my new friend.

Petting my new friend.

Petting my new friend.

Dressed for the killer mosquitos.

Dressed for the killer mosquitos.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


There is no war against Christians – There is a war on LOVE!

Where and how is there a war on Christians?  It seems to me that every time a business owner refuses to bake a cake or print wedding invitations for a same-sex couple – the business owners argue that it is against their faith to provide service to those couples.  I don’t know about you but, when someone decides to run a business they can’t pick and choose who they want to provide that service or product to.  Imagine if a business owners said, “I don’t want to provide my service to people of colour, women or someone of a different religious denomination.”  It would be preposterous.

Let’s just call it what it is….DISCRIMINATION hidden behind religion.  There is no war on Christians – what there is a war on love.  I don’t really believe in any religious doctrine and identify as agnostic but I do know that many of these Christians who feel that they are being attacked only feel that way because they know what they are doing is wrong.  I also believe that these same Christians are not following the basic teachings of their God – to love without judgement, to be compassionate and to treat everyone as you would like to be treated.

If people would just open their hearts – they would feel the energy that is bigger than all of us and they would know that same energy would want them to spread love, kindness and compassion into the world and not hate.  Imagine if a business didn’t turn someone away because of their sexual orientation, colour of skin, religious beliefs or gender – imagine the positivity that they would receive for their actions instead of stress, negative publicity and negative energy.  From my understanding and common sense, that would be a great example of Christianity.


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


So many of us have so much going on in our lives it is often too difficult to thing about what makes us happy.  I think it is important to take a few moments out of your day and just reflect on all things that make you happy.  Here are accomplishments and many things that I am grateful for and that make me really happy:

  • Living my life authentically and how I was born.
  • Having friends and family that love without any stipulations on our relationship.
  • How much I love, respect and advocate for this wonderful planet.
  • How much I love, respect and advocate for the animals on this planet.
  • Growing into veganism and understanding the link between a plant-based diet good health and not contributing to climate change.
  • The time I had with my amazing pets; Freddy and Bradley.
  • My desire to always learn new things to help me grow personally.
  • My desire to become more spiritual.
  • The day I quit smoking.
  • The day I stopped eating meat.
  • Moving to the country to be more with nature.
  • Having the most amazing, sensitive, funny and beautiful husband and friend I could ever imagine.
  • Being in a relationship that continues to grow stronger because of our similar goals, wants and needs.
  • Realizing that I have no desire for more needless material things.
  • That there is nothing wrong when I speak from the heart.
  • Never apologize for being passionate in speaking up for what I believe in.
  • Creating art and learning I love painting.
  • For growing into the man I am today.

I could probably continue to add so much more to this list but I figured I listed the things that make me the happiest.  It is so important (for body, mind and soul) to take the time and reflect on things that make us happy, laugh or smile.  So many of us dwell on negative news and negative emotions that you end up living a life that is just filled with negativity and bad energy.  If anything in your life brings you thoughts of negativity or drains the life energy from you – remove it from your life.  Affirm:  I am happy, healthy and attract only positive energy into my life.

Pictures of some of my happiness and gratitude:

Bradley and Freddy

new 126

My husband, best-friend and life partner – Jason

Montreal - On Top of Mont-Royal

My joy of painting – an original acrylic.


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!



























I am ZEN

I am all these great things and more because I was born from love.  We are ALL born from LOVE.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 


Imagine a life in a cage or being born to be murdered.  This happens everyday for many animals who are caged for milk or meat on a daily basis.  Millions of pigs, chickens, cows, fish and other animals are caged then murdered every year.  All of this genocide for food you don’t really need to have.

I don’t want to focus on the negative aspect of the life span of an animal that eventually ends up on your dinner plate – what I do want to focus on is the freedom some of these precious animals receive after a life of torture, cruelty and abuse.  I have posted these two videos before but thought I would share them again because of the feelings they have invoked in me.

Imagine the lives of animals finally being set free and allowed to live the lives they should:


Animals have feelings – they cry when their babies are taken away from them, they cry out in pain when they are hurt or beaten and they become sad, angry and happy just as we do.  Isn’t time we gave them the freedom they deserve?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one – not just for people but for our animals friends to.

Hen and ChicksMom and calf

PigletsChimp and white tiger