It is sometimes very difficult to have a positive disposition in a world, especially since we are bombarded with so much negativity.  Do we have to participate in the negativity?  No.  So what are some of the things that we can do in order to surround ourselves with positive and healing energy?  Here are some suggestions:

  • If someone turns a discussion into an argument – agree to disagree and move on.
  • Surround yourself with like-minded people.  I’m a vegan and prefer to be with other vegans.
  • Do things that make you happy.  If you like music – create, play and dance to it.
  • Show those who are less fortunate than you compassion.
  • Buy a co-worker lunch for no reason.
  • Offer to buy a homeless person lunch.
  • Give your friends and family members compliments and remove all the judgments you may have.
  • Sit in silence with nature and try to remove all the ‘internal’ and negative commentary you have of yourself.
  • Workout on a daily basis.  It doesn’t have to be a strenuous workout, just something to keep the blood flowing.
  • Turn off your televisions – especially news networks as they mostly air negative stories and provide mindless information in order to keep you distracted.
  • Eat a more plant-based diet.  Processed foods and additives are not good for the body and soul.
  • If you love animals (as I do) – Visit an animal shelter and make a contribution for all the good work they do.
  • Be more compassionate and less judgmental, especially regarding people you don’t know.
  • Have empathy for others – you don’t know their story or what they are going through.
  • The more love you put out into the universe allows you to receive more love in return.

Remember – there is something that is bigger than all of us and allow that thought to provide you with perspective on what is important.  It is important to understand that we all need love, compassion and empathy.  When we are connected with Source, we are connected to the energy that provided life on the planet and within the universe.


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!