What can we do in order to remove all the negativity that we encounter each and every day of our lives?  We are constantly bombarded with irrelevant information, negative news and so many sensationalized stories to keep us fearful and distracted.

Corporations keep telling us that capitalism is great.  Spend your time buying countless products to keep you distracted while the shareholders and CEO’s of those companies become wealthier beyond comprehension.

Food companies keep insisting that we eat their food – food that is poison for our bodies and our minds.  This food also keeps us distracted and our minds foggy – they also make us sick so that we can rely on the medications from pharmaceutical companies.  Governments regulate our food and our medications, so they to are responsible in keeping people distracted, fearful and unwilling to do anything about the negativity that is happening around the world.

Corporate media is not acting on your best interest – they help perpetuate the fear and they assist in cloudy our judgements.  They help promote our sickness and distraction by promoting the food companies, pharmaceutical drugs and products that are killing us.  Think about it, how often have you heard, “don’t have time to make a nutritious meal, get a super meal at Burger King, KFC, McDonalds or Dominoes.” and following that commercial or advertisement for fast-food, you’ll hear this; “Feel gassy, bloated and uncomfortable from your last meal, try this medication.”

Depressed – we have a pill for you.  Fat – we have a pill for you.  Angry – buy this gun and release your anger.  Need a television in every room of your house – Come to Best Buy.  Tired of your current camera, stereo, computer, phone, etc….well throw the old crap away and come get the latest and best product anywhere and everywhere.

Terrorists are everywhere and they WILL get you – arm yourselves. Support the fight against terrorism and allow your elected officials to send minorities to war.  Allow governments to increase their military budgets while our waters are poisoned, while our lakes disappear, while our forests burn and while the earth slowly dies.

What can you do to clear your head?  TURN OFF THE TELEVISION!  Support organizations that have YOUR best interests at heart.  Elect governments that work for the people and not for corporations that are only concerned about their bottom line and lining the pockets of those who help their cause.  Most importantly, get the facts and learn the truth, don’t allow those whose objectives are to keep us distracted win and clear your head.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.

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