It is inevitable – as we are born, so shall we die.  There was a time I feared death so much I would sink into a deep depression, for different reasons.  Religion taught me to fear death because of what we did during the time we lived.  Being bad and going against ‘the word of God’ would land you in Hell, where you would burn to infinity.  For a long time, I thought I was going to burn for eternity because I lived a sinful life as I broke some of God’s rules but mainly for the curse of being born homosexual.

Needless-to-say, I learned a better way than the fearful tactics of organized religion.  I am not hateful to those who believe and practice organized religion, as long as they don’t impose their views onto me.  I learned that being agnostic was the best way I could describe myself in terms of spirituality.

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.

How can I commit to something that offers no proof?  What I do believe, is that the world in which we live in is magnificent, majestic and complicated.  There are scientific explanations of how we came to be – I understand that and believe those ideas. But, I also believe there is something more unexplainable, spiritual and much more bigger than what we can explain.  I guess that is what people believe to be God.

Whatever our beliefs are in regards to how we came to be, shouldn’t we have a fundamental belief that we should all be respected, cared for, loved and taken care of?  Shouldn’t life and living be that simple?  Imagine if we took the time to not judge the homeless man on the street or shaming someone for being fat, a woman, gay, disabled, native or black?

There is nothing wrong with showing kindness – IT IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS.  Showing kindness is confirmation of the strength and love we have within us.  What is more full-filling than helping someone in need without thinking about what we can get in return?  Imagine the positive change we can instil in others when we give kindness.  By giving of ourselves – we can potential save lives.  Imagine the one day we happen to reach out to someone who craves any type of love, that we change their mind in taking their own lives?

You may think you have nothing to offer – but giving of ourselves doesn’t only have to be of the materialistic nature.  You can show kindness by giving someone your ear (not literally), I’m talking about listening to them.  Being present and acknowledging what they are saying without any judgments. How about offering a smile when you look at a stranger?  So many of us have become disconnected, we don’t engage with one another anymore because of modern technology.  We are constantly on our phones updated our FaceBook status or sharing pictures on Instagram that we forget to be present and in the moment of the company we are with.

Take a moment and think about what positive change you can create in the world with all the kindness you have within you.  What can you do to make the lives of those around you better?  Maybe your kindness, love, compassion and caring comes from the humour you provide to others.  Maybe it’s your empathy, sincerity, honesty and your ability to be the most authentic person you can be.

Again, I reiterate – KINDNESS IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS.  It’s a sign that you are present, connected, authentic, compassionate, caring and full of love to give to others.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

Path To Love