A couple of days ago, a few work colleagues and I decided to go to WholeFoods to buy our lunch.  While my two co-workers paid for their lunch, I decided to scout for a table.  I approached a table in which an elderly lady was just leaving and she asked if I wanted to take her table.  I said yes and thank you.  I sensed that this lady wanted someone to talk to so I listened to her as I waited for my co-workers.  Her name was Gladys and she basically gave me a brief overview of what she has gone through in her life.  It was a fascinating 20 minutes.  The things she talked most passionately about was her 52 year marriage to her now deceased husband.  She indicated that she still missed him very much after 8 years since his passing.  She also talked about the lack of compassion in health care professionals today – mainly doctors and that they are just in it for the money.  She indicated that she is a firm believer of God and that He is the only reason the she continues to live today.  I wrote a blog a few days ago entitled: THERE IS NO WAR ON CHRISTIANS, THERE IS A WAR ON LOVE.  Everything happens for a reason and this woman came into my life so that I could be reminded that not all people who are religious are hateful and without compassion.

Gladys was an amazing woman with much compassion, a love for her faith and God, honest and very warm.  This meeting was a reminder for me to not judge and to learn that there is much more love in the world than evil.  The message I received from meeting Gladys was to keep going and to continue my passion to promote love and create positive change in the world.

I may not believe in organized religion or many of the writings in The Bible but, what I do believe is if others receive comfort in their belief in God and do not judge others for because they don’t believe – than I’m okay with that.  Isn’t that what GOD really is all about – to have love for everyone without judgements?  I thank Gladys for reminding me of this and for being the great Christian woman that she is.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


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