There is no war against Christians – There is a war on LOVE!

Where and how is there a war on Christians?  It seems to me that every time a business owner refuses to bake a cake or print wedding invitations for a same-sex couple – the business owners argue that it is against their faith to provide service to those couples.  I don’t know about you but, when someone decides to run a business they can’t pick and choose who they want to provide that service or product to.  Imagine if a business owners said, “I don’t want to provide my service to people of colour, women or someone of a different religious denomination.”  It would be preposterous.

Let’s just call it what it is….DISCRIMINATION hidden behind religion.  There is no war on Christians – what there is a war on love.  I don’t really believe in any religious doctrine and identify as agnostic but I do know that many of these Christians who feel that they are being attacked only feel that way because they know what they are doing is wrong.  I also believe that these same Christians are not following the basic teachings of their God – to love without judgement, to be compassionate and to treat everyone as you would like to be treated.

If people would just open their hearts – they would feel the energy that is bigger than all of us and they would know that same energy would want them to spread love, kindness and compassion into the world and not hate.  Imagine if a business didn’t turn someone away because of their sexual orientation, colour of skin, religious beliefs or gender – imagine the positivity that they would receive for their actions instead of stress, negative publicity and negative energy.  From my understanding and common sense, that would be a great example of Christianity.


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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