So many of us have so much going on in our lives it is often too difficult to thing about what makes us happy.  I think it is important to take a few moments out of your day and just reflect on all things that make you happy.  Here are accomplishments and many things that I am grateful for and that make me really happy:

  • Living my life authentically and how I was born.
  • Having friends and family that love without any stipulations on our relationship.
  • How much I love, respect and advocate for this wonderful planet.
  • How much I love, respect and advocate for the animals on this planet.
  • Growing into veganism and understanding the link between a plant-based diet good health and not contributing to climate change.
  • The time I had with my amazing pets; Freddy and Bradley.
  • My desire to always learn new things to help me grow personally.
  • My desire to become more spiritual.
  • The day I quit smoking.
  • The day I stopped eating meat.
  • Moving to the country to be more with nature.
  • Having the most amazing, sensitive, funny and beautiful husband and friend I could ever imagine.
  • Being in a relationship that continues to grow stronger because of our similar goals, wants and needs.
  • Realizing that I have no desire for more needless material things.
  • That there is nothing wrong when I speak from the heart.
  • Never apologize for being passionate in speaking up for what I believe in.
  • Creating art and learning I love painting.
  • For growing into the man I am today.

I could probably continue to add so much more to this list but I figured I listed the things that make me the happiest.  It is so important (for body, mind and soul) to take the time and reflect on things that make us happy, laugh or smile.  So many of us dwell on negative news and negative emotions that you end up living a life that is just filled with negativity and bad energy.  If anything in your life brings you thoughts of negativity or drains the life energy from you – remove it from your life.  Affirm:  I am happy, healthy and attract only positive energy into my life.

Pictures of some of my happiness and gratitude:

Bradley and Freddy

new 126

My husband, best-friend and life partner – Jason

Montreal - On Top of Mont-Royal

My joy of painting – an original acrylic.


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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