Lately, I don’t really take much time to assess why certain things have happened in my life.  I just assume that whatever happens is what is meant to happen.  I don’t over analyze, I don’t take too much time to question or debate why things have/have not happened.  Instead of asking myself, “Why didn’t I get that job?” or “Why is this person treating me this way?” – I make the determination that these events are supposed to happen as they are because I am supposed to get a better job or I was supposed to learn something about that person.  Sure we can do things in order to achieve certain results but there are many things that we don’t have control over.

I remember an incident in which my spouse’s friend was slightly unhappy in her job.  I suggested that she take the experience she received from her current job and apply for a position where I worked.  She not only got the job – her life changed.  She met someone she fell in love with, they got married and had two beautiful children.  According to many of her Facebook posts, she seems to be happy and is enjoying her life.  Where we meant to connect so that these events could take place in her life?

It is only normal to ask ourselves, “What if I hadn’t decided to move here?” or “I wonder what would my life have been like if I didn’t meet (insert name here)?”  These questions remind me of a movie called, Sliding Doors, starring Gwenyth Paltrow.  The movie takes a look at a life of a woman in two different situations.  She is rushing to make a train and the first scenario is how her life turned out by catching the train.  The second scenario is a look at her life had she not caught that same train.  It was an entertaining movie that had the same outcome – things are supposed to happen as they should.

When we do look back at our lives, we shouldn’t look back with regret.  The past should be looked at as learning experiences that have made us the people we are today.  Live in the current moment and don’t stress too much about the ‘what if’s’ or ‘I should have…’  If we are present and fully aware of the now, we will not miss anything.  We should also not spend too much time thinking of the future – you can’t determine what will happen tomorrow, next week or a year from now so why bother worrying about it?

By being aware of the now – the things that are happening to you in real-time, you will be in a much better capacity to deal with anything that happens.  Allow yourself to do the things that you want to do now.  If you apply on a job, do your best and thank the universe for the opportunity – if the job is supposed to be yours, it will happen.  If you are debating whether you should move to a different part of your town, city or another part of the world – trust in the universe (or fate) to provide you with your solution.  Things happen as they should.  If you are struggling too much with a certain situation, take a deep breath, send your inquiries into the universe, remove yourself from the stressful issue and trust that fate will take care of the rest.  By trusting in yourself and in the universe or higher power – you allow yourself to connect to source, the power of creation and the never-ending force of love.  Trust in that love and all will be well in your world.

Path To Love

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!