Many of us tend to overuse the word love even when we don’t really mean it.  Think about the many times throughout the day that you say, “I love (fill in the blank)”  We love clothing, cars, televisions, television programs, songs, artists, art, houses, boats and other material possessions.  These material possessions provide a temporary form of love and gratification that is somewhat meaningless.  These possessions are reason that there is a widening income inequality gap between the masses.  Is that really love?

Why are so many of us so preoccupied with wanting and needing instead of helping and giving?  We are all so conditioned to follow – get an education (if you can afford it), find a life partner, get married, have children, buy a big house (beyond your means and necessity), buy a car (or two, or three), buy a vacation property, save for your future/retirement, save for your children’s education and then die.  I understand the desire to want the best for yourself and your family – but so many people have become desensitized to the realities of our world, so many just don’t care about the wellness of others and will only act out of greed and their desire to want more material possessions, money and wealth.

Capitalism – an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Corporations are nothing without the consumer.  We are all contributors to all the issues the world faces today.  People are so concerned with status and having the latest gadgets, the biggest houses, and the best cars that our planet and our humanity is paying the price for.  All of these gadgets and our demand for product is taxing the earth’s natural resources.  Corporations don’t want you to see the negative impact YOUR demand is having on the planet and the people who create these materialistic things.  Is the destruction of our planet worth the price the planet has to pay for the next iPhone or iMac – aren’t these products already doing what they are supposed to do?  Why do we need the latest version(s)?  It’s simple – to make outstanding profits for shareholders and CEO’s.  Household appliances, cars, televisions and many other products are produced to have short ‘life’ expectancies because they want to ensure people continue to buy.  Shouldn’t a car be made to last 15 to 20 years instead of 5 to 7?  Why must a new model entice us every year?  To ensure wealth for the auto industry CEO’s and shareholders.

Personally, our society today makes my head spin.  I am astounded at how many of us are distracted by the greed or corporations and how they buy politicians in order to sustain their wealth and to dictate legislation.  It shouldn’t be the BIG oil companies, auto industry or pharmaceutical companies that dictate what we should do or what we should think.  We know that drilling for oil in the Arctic would wreak havoc in that area should their be an oil spill (and there will be).  We know that fracking (the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at a high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gas) takes 1 to 8 millions gallons of water to complete each fracturing while there is a shortage of water globally.

We must review our priorities and we must curb our need to want and need.  Future generations will pay for the decisions we make today.  Do we not love the planet enough in order to make the hard decisions today in order to save our planet and future generations?

I love my mother – I love her tremendously.  She is my hero.  She provided love and nurturing that made me the man I am today.  Shouldn’t our greatest love be the mother of us all?  Our mother – EARTH,  she cares for us and she provides us the breath of life, the food we eat and the water we drink and how do we show our gratitude?  We pollute her waters, poison her soil and cut her forests down in an alarming rate in order to build bigger houses for people who are slaves to the corporate world.

Let your love for life be the catalyst for positive change in the world.  Make conscious choices in what you buy, who you buy it from and what type of impact it will have on our planet.  Ask your government for renewable and sustainable energy options for our homes and our cars.  Support companies that plant trees instead of removing them.  Support housing developers that don’t clearcut in order to build their sites and use sustainable materials.  Eat vegan/vegetarian meals as often as you can.  Sign petitions to stop BIG OIL companies from drilling in eco-sensitive areas in the world such as the Arctic.  Don’t contribute to landfills by buying things you don’t need.  Support auto companies that are making commitments to build cars that use clean energy sources.  Show the planet your love and make a difference for good.

Some resources to create positive change:

Save The Earth



Images from the internet.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!