In the past year, I have taken up the art of painting – more specifically acrylic.  I don’t really plan what I am going to paint – I just let my soul and feelings guide me.  Here are some of the paintings I have created:

This I painted after I heard my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It started off very dark – a pink heart surrounded by blackness.  I didn’t really like the negative energy the painting omitted, so I decided to morph it into something more positive and this is the result.


I painted this for my spouse, Jason McGuire, as a gift….I called it “Burning Love” for two reasons:  1.  It is a heart in flames and 2.  It represents how the love between Jason and I has grown and the warm feeling that love provides my heart.

"Burning Love"

“Burning Love”

This painting I named “Path To Love” – it was one of the first I painted…..it has a kind of psychedelic 70’s flare to it….that’s why I enjoy it.

Path To Love

This painting is another one I completed for Jason – can’t remember the name right now.  This painting also encompasses the joy and love my relationship with Jason represents:

Heart In Turmoil

Here is a painting I call “Rising Love” – the hearts are coloured because I wanted them to represent universal love and they somewhat look like balloon hearts.


As you may have noticed…much of my art are paintings of hearts.  Hearts, for me represent LOVE, COMPASSION and KINDNESS.  The heart is the key to our emotions – it allows us to feel and to have empathy for others.  It also allows us (with our emotions) to create positive change in the world – it helps us inspire others to also create positive change and to make our world a much better place.

Whether through photos, songs, poems, books, paintings, sculptures and whatever art form people choose, let that art inspire you, motivate you and let it bring out your passion.   I created these images and paintings to release whatever feelings I had inside of me.  I hope that these paintings speak to you and provide you with comfort in however they would relate to you.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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