Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth and the resurrection of our mother earth.  This time of year is also known (to many Christians) as the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  My views on religion have changed significantly since I was a kid – my beliefs are more agnostic, I know that there is something much bigger than all of us but I don’t think that it is the traditional Christian belief of what God is.  I don’t have anything against the choices people make in regards to their religion, as long as their religion doesn’t infringe on the rights of those who don’t have the same beliefs.

I wrote a blog a few years ago about the relationship between astrology and religion and the similarities of some of the most well-known prophets, here are the highlights:

Horus (Egyptian Sun God) 3000B.C.

  • Born on December 25th of the virgin Isis-Meri
  • Birth accompanied by a star in the east, which 3 kings followed
  • At 12, Horus was a prodigal child teacher
  • At 30, he was baptized by a figure known as Anup and began his ministry
  • Horus was also known by other names such as; The Truth, The Light, God’s Anointed Son, The Good Shepard, The Lamb of God, etc.
  • 12 disciples
  • Was betrayed by Typhon
  • Crucified
  • Buried for 3 days and then resurrected
  • Performed miracles (healed the sick, the blind, cast out demons and walked on water)

Mithra (Persian God Of Mithra) 1200B.C.

  • Born if virgin on December 25th
  • Known as; The Lamb, The Way, The Truth and The Light
  • Performed miracles
  • Resurrected on the 3rd day

Attis (Greece) 1200B.C.

  • Born of a virgin on December 25th
  • Crucified
  • Dead for 3 days
  • Resurrected

Krishna (Second person of the Hindu Trinity) 1000B.C.

  • Born of a virgin on December 25th
  • Called ‘God’ and ‘The Son of God’
  • Was a carpenter
  • Baptized in a river
  • Upon his death, he was resurrected

Dionysus (Greece) 500B.C.

  • Born of virgin on December 25th
  • Performed miracles
  • Known as; The King of Kings, Alpha and Omega
  • Resurrected upon death

And finally – the most recent of the solar Messiah’s…..

Jesus Christ

  • Also known as Yeshua of Nazareth
  • “Christ” is not his last name; it is simply the Greek word for “Messiah” or “Anointed One”
  • Born on December 25th of the virgin Mary in Bethlehem
  • Birth announced by a star in the east which 3 kings followed
  • Was a child teacher at 12
  • Was baptized by ‘John the Baptist’ at 30 thus beginning his ministry
  • Also knows as; King of Kings, Son of God, Light of The World, Alpha and Omega, Lamb of God etc.
  • Betrayed by his disciple Judas
  • Was crucified and placed in a tomb
  • Resurrected after 3 days and ascended to Heaven

Jesus is a plagiarized version of the Egyptian Sun-God, Horus.  All these saviours have derived from the ancient civilizations belief and worship of the sun.  Like all other Pagan gods, Jesus was simply a mythical figure however, it was the Roman political establishment that sought to give life to the Jesus figure for social control:  The Roman emperor, Constantine convened the Council of Nicea (325 A.D.) at which the Christian Doctrines were established and thus began a long history of Christian bloodshed and spiritual fraud.

The birth sequence of Jesus and other religious saviours is completely astrological.  The star in the east (Sirius) is the brightest star in the night sky.  On December 24th it aligns with the 3 brightest stars in Orion’s belt – which are called ‘The Three Kings’.  All point to the place of sunrise on December 25th, the birth of “God’s Sun” at winter solstice.  The sun is personified as the unseen creator or God, God’s son, The Light of The World, The Saviour of Human Kind.  The 12 constellations represented the places of travel for God’s sun.  The sun stops moving south (at least it seems to stop) for 3 days and during this 3-day pause, the sun resides in the vicinity of the Southern Cross Constellation (Crux).  After this time, on December 25th, the sun moves one degree north foreshadowing longer days, warmth and spring – a rebirth.  This is precisely the same sequence s the various ‘Saviours’ (Jesus, Krishna, Mithra, Dionysus, Attis, Horus).

The celebration of the sun’s resurrection wasn’t celebrated until Easter or the Spring Equinox – when the sun overpowers the night with longer days and the revitalization that spring brings.

What are people celebrating at this time of year (Easter) – is it the resurrection of their God, is it the Easter Bunny (the connection between the Easter Bunny and religion is unknown to me) or is it the celebration of chocolate.  What is the significance of this time of year?  As I said in my old blog post:

So what is it that we are celebrating during this time of year?  Are we celebrating the birth of  these mythical characters,  the spiritual fraud and Christian bloodshed, astrology or are we celebrating the beginnings of social control?  Does anyone even really care or is the modern-day commercialization of Christmas/Easter just another attempt to keep all of us distracted.  A distracted civilization is an ignorant civilization and the more distracted and ignorant we become, the more controllable we are.

What makes one religion the authority of all?  Shouldn’t we just instill compassion and love into our world?  Should we not be helping those who need help the most?  Should we not be proactive in healing our planet and having compassion for all that live within in?  Isn’t that what people did since the beginning of civilization?  We didn’t worship a God – we worshipped the planet.  The planet is what gives us the air to breathe, the water we drink and the food that we eat.  It keeps us alive and how do we repay the earth’s generosity?  We deplete its resources by cutting down the trees of our forests – that help give us the air we breathe, we poison the lakes that provide us with clean drinking water and we instill cruelty on animals that fear and try to avoid us.

LOVE should be our religion and with LOVE, we can create so much positive change in the world. 


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!