Are you  a person that makes decisions based on your emotions and feelings or do you take some thought prior to taking certain steps?  Are you a very sensitive person?

For me, my heart mostly drives my actions.  I believe that my sensitivity is mostly operating in over-drive.  I sometimes get emotional when I connect with nature as I marvel at her beauty.  I am angered when I see beloved pets tied to posts in wet and cold weather while the owners get coffees or buy groceries.  I am saddened when I see people struggling to walk across the street.  I am filled with emotion when I see a lone senior sitting on a park bench.  Do other people feel as I do and have the same hyper-sensitivity as I do?

Many people view sensitivity as a negative trait – I see it as having compassion and a BIG heart.  Making decisions with based on what our heart is telling is should be something to be proud of.  Decisions of the heart, tend to move us towards the things we are passionate about back to our authentic selves.  We are conditioned and to taught to believe the things our parents believed – grow up, graduate high school, go to university, get a job, get married, buy a house, have children, invest money for retirement, grow old and die.  Our lives do not have to reflect the lives of those who lived before us and we don’t have to follow what others deem to be ‘the way’.  I have unlearned many of the things that were taught to be right.  I was told that eating meat was necessary for health benefits, only to discover that wasn’t so.  I was told that I must meet a girl, get married and raise a family – had I listened to that, I would have denied the true essence of my being and not lived an authentic life as a gay male.  I was told that we should not question authority – but what if that authority is filling your head with lies?  There is a reason we have ‘that little voice inside our head’ – this voice is the voice that gives you messages and warnings from the heart.  It is our connection to our authentic self and the universe.

Acting from the heart allows us to act from a place of compassion and without judgement.  Think of those people who gave their hearts freely, willingly and without any fear of the consequences.  Princess Diana didn’t think about getting infected with HIV when giving love to the patients she visited in hospices.  Mother Teresa didn’t think twice about showing compassion to lepers.  Nelson Mandela didn’t stop advocating for civil rights after being thrown in jail.  These inspiring people provided compassion without judgement because they had so much love to give to those who needed it the most.

Without the need to act from love, what would this world look like?  Imagine if more of us connected to the vibration and energy of love?  There would be less war, less destruction of our environment, more respect for animals, more support for our seniors, less poverty, less greed and less negativity.  Isn’t that the world we should all be living in and striving for?

In this new year, one of my processes to evolve is to meditate on love and to help spread love into the world.  Without love we can not survive.  Join me in and let us make the REVOLUTION OF LOVE grow.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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