Many people are so caught up in the lives of celebrities but the fascination has become so far removed from what these celebrities are endorsing.  I remember when entertainment news interviewed actors/actresses/artists about films or projects they worked on and are promoting.  Today, celebrity or entertainment news is about scandals, pregnancies, celebrity addictions and breakdowns and never really about the artists work.

I want to take a different approach and talk about the great and amazing things that many celebrities have done and how they have contributed by creating positivity in the world.  Here are some great examples:

Margaret Cho

After Robin Williams death, Margaret Cho became inspired to help the homeless people in her hometown of San Francisco.  She did this by busking in the streets of San Francisco – singing, playing guitar and even stripping, to give over 6500 homeless people a voice.  Margaret took to social media by connecting with her fans and spreading the word of what she hoped to accomplish.  Fans responded by donating coats, shirts, pants, shoes, blankets and cash to Margaret’s cause.  Currently, there are more than half-million homeless in the USA.  For more information about Margaret’s amazing and inspiring project, please visit:

Bob Barker

Bob Barker always ended the Price Is Right by ensuring we all spay and neuter our pets but did you know he was an avid animal rights activist?  Bob advocated for the relocation of 3 African elephants from the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to a southern California sanctuary – this finally happened after Bob spent one million dollars to ensure the relocation was a success.

Bob also donated $380,000 to Chimp Haven in Kentville, LA to help build a special care facility for 5 chimpanzees infected with HIV.   “I have waited months for this occasion,” Barker said the day the new facility was opened. “After 30 years of being locked in cages, these chimpanzees now have the choice to lie in the grass and look up at the sky—day or night. They can climb trees and build nests. And best of all, they can do it with each other. Seeing this today has me choked up.”

Here is a PSA Bob completed with PETA about Sea World:
Victoria Principal
The Dallas star is an advocate for our planet and the environment and has previously donated to the following organizations:  Greenpeace ($25,000), Natural Resource Defense Council ($125,000) and Oceana ($100,000)
Bea Arthur
Not only was Bea Arthur a brilliant comedic actor taking on controversial subjects on Maude and The Golden Girls, she was also a staunch supporter of animals rights.  She became a PETA member in 1987 and shot a PSA with Rue McClanahan and Betty White on the set of The Golden Girls after an anti-fur episode of their show. 
Tom Cruise
While cruising on his yacht, Tom Cruise spotted a boat in flames and sailed towards it and pulled the people to safety.  He also stopped at a hit-and-run, called emergency services and stayed with the injured woman until the paramedics arrived.  After learning that she wasn’t insured, Tom graciously paid her medical bills.
Sean Penn
After Hurricane Katrina – Sean not only contributed money to relief efforts, but headed directly to New Orleans and drove a motor boat through flooded streets rescuing people. 
Sean is also a board member of J/P HRO an organization the provides various forms of relief to many displaced Haitians after the devastating earthquake of 2010.  For more about this organization and to donate, please visit:
We rarely hear about the great things celebrities do or the awareness they give to whatever causes they are passionate about – these are the things that we need to hear so that people are inspired and to join the REVOLUTION OF LOVE. 
Instead of perpetuating the cycle of negative and redundant news, why not take the time to share stories that make us feel good and inspire others to create positive change in the world?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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