What does this mean, we need a revolution for love?  Well – everytime I say or have said “we need a revolution for love”, it comes from frustration, anger, disbelief and lack of satisfaction from worldwide governments in acting for the greater good of the people and the issues that matter most to us.

Today’s issues don’t have the same importance as the issues of 25, 50 or even 100 years ago.  The most important issue affecting the worlds economies is climate change and its’ affects.  We are spending more money rebuilding and on health care due to the devastation from more frequent super storms.  Why are we not using financial resources for sustainable and renewable energy – doing this would stimulate the economy and create jobs.  Think about it….solar energy used to power homes is much more effecient, cheaper and environmentally conscious than using dirty oil and depleting earth’s natural resources.  Building green cars/electric cars (the electric car was the first ever built) will ensure the reduction of pollution and many illnesses associated with pollution (asthma and bronchitis).

Governments are too busy passing legislation that serves the best interests of corporations that continue to contribute to climate change – McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Wendy’s (and any otherfood company that relies on the meat industry).  Factory farming is one of the main causes of climate change (deforestation for meat production factories, depleting water  resources, methane release into the atmosphere).  The oil industry pays governments to ensure they acquire drilling contracts/rights in very sensitive parts of the world- SHELL wants to drill in the Arctic.  The Canadian Government (Harper Government) and the National Energy Board want to complete oil exploration in Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait – 80 to 90% of Narwhals live, play and breed here, it is THEIR home and oil exploration could potentially harm much of the regions marine life, including the narwhal.  Please GREENPEACE’s website to sign their petition to help Clyde River send their message that drilling/oil exploration in this region is NOT an option. Sign the petition here:  https://www.savethearctic.org/en-CA/clyde-river/?__utma=218051913.506200212.1415937089.1415937089.1415937089.1&__utmb=218051913.8.10.1415937089&__utmc=218051913&__utmx=-&__utmz=218051913.1415937089.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=-&__utmk=12012407

So – we require a revolution of love.  A love for the planet and not government’s who are creating a wider gap regarding income inequality between thos that have and those that don’t have.  We also have to ensure governments work for the people and people are not corporations.

What can you do?

  • Contact your MP (member of parliament) and demand they vote for legislation that supports renewable energy and not polluters.
  • Get involved by creating community groups and urban gardens.
  • Educate yourself about the benefits of solar energy and electric vehicles and demand companies increase their production.
  • Stop buying products that contribute to landfills and are not biodegradeable (water bottles, plastic, excessive electronic products, etc).
  • Commute when/if you can.
  • Don’t travel to environmentally sensitive destinations – The Great Barrier Reef, The Amazon, etc.
  • Eat a vegan or vegetarian meal a few times a week.  This not only saves animals, it sends a message to the meat industry that deforestation is wrong, inhumane treatment of animals is wrong, the depletion of water is wrong, polluting our environment is wrong.
  • Talk to your employer about ‘tele-work’ options – if you don’t have to commute to work daily and have an option to work out of your home office, why not do it?  This will increase productivity and decrease sick calls.
  • Take public transportation whenever possible.
  • Educate yourself.

Don’t believe that we can’t make a difference.  We know that governments and corporations act on demand – the more we demand, the more pressure we put on our governments and corporations to to act in the responsible and accountable manner that we demand of them.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!