Another Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone.  I thought that this would be a great time to list everything that I am thankful for.  Hopefully it will inspire my Canadian friends to think about the things that are important to them.  The United States will not be celebrating until November 27 – I hope that this blog post inspires all the U.S. readers to think about the things they will be most thankful for.  Here are mine:

  • Thankful that I am alive
  • Thankful that I have my health
  • Thankful that I have the best husband and friend anyone could ask for
  • Thankful that I don’t eat animals
  • Thankful for this beautiful planet
  • Thankful for being capable of forgiving those who have caused me pain
  • Thankful for doing my best to help in the fight against climate change
  • Thankful for a wonderful and understanding family
  • Thankful for great friends
  • Thankful that I have a job I enjoy
  • Thankful for freedom
  • Thankful for all the love that I receive
  • Thankful for all the love that I give
  • Thankful for the universe
  • Thankful for my willingness to learn

What are you grateful for?

Together, we can make the world a more postive one!