What do we know….we are just simple humans.  Here is what we do know and I can’t imagine why we are not doing as much as we should to change our habits:

Cigarettes can cause cancer – so why do people continue to smoke?  Profits for the tobacco industry are key so, in order to maximize profit, you have to create a product that is addictive and that can have financial benefits for other sectors (health, pharma, etc.)

Eating meat is the biggest challenge to climate change – so why are we not being told to eat less meat more often?  In the past, we have been told that greenhouse gas emissions where the biggest culprit to climate change and the warming of the planet.  Nonsense.  A carnivorous diet challenges the environment in so many ways, such as;  deforestation, pollution and depleting water resources.  Eating meat not only has environmental impacts – they also have health implications such as; high blood pressure, high cholesterol and is also known to cause various cancers.

Modernization causes unemployment – so why do we continue to modernize, especially in a world where the have’s have far more wealth than the combined majority?  The more our lives become convenient due to modernization, the more people become unemployed.  Think about it….Why hire people when you can do anything from buying groceries to applying for a driver’s license online?  Imagine a world were you can go to a local convenience store and purchase anything you want from a vending machine?  Remove the ‘middle man’ and corporations profit more.

Most government’s work for corporations – so why do we continue to vote?  Most governments operate in the guise of working for ‘the people’ – most people do not want a mediocre education or processed foods, we certainly do not want to breathe poisonous gases or drink poisonous water.  Why are governments protecting those that do not require protection – farmers should be able to provide most of our food without having to worry about big corporations like Monsanto.  Governments should be regulating big corporations to ensure they are not killing citizens with bad food, biased information, poor education and unhealthy foods.

Pharmaceutical drugs and companies do not have our best interests at hand – so why do we keep buying their bull and their drugs?   We know that most pharmaceutical drugs are addictive, and have very minor health benefits.  Some antidepressants have been know to cause people to take their own lives.  Pain medications have created addictions and dependencies that are weighing heavy on the economy.  Why are we allowing pharmaceutical companies to pay our governments to push through legislation to help sell their products but throwing individuals into maximum security prisons for minor marijuana possession charges? 

These big industry giants work hand-in-hand to ensure they continue reaping the financial benefits from products that continue to make us sick and for much longer.  Why feed people healthy and nutritious foods when you can sell them processed foods, make them sick so that they can go visit their doctors and have their doctors prescribe them medications that will only keep them sick longer – MONEY.  Why should the automobile sector develop vehicles that are more economically and environmentally efficient when we can continue the destruction of the planet with automobiles that will ensure your children have no future?  MONEY.  Why should corporate media want to ensure that those who receive their news are receiving news that will motivate them to act?  MONEY.  Why should our elected officials be concerned about the state of education (lack thereof) that would ensure that students not only receive the best education but proper nutrition as well?  MONEY.

MONEY – is it the most important thing in the world.  YES – because we are judged by how much money we have.  Money not only buys materialistic things – it buys POWER.  Power is not with the majority right now – power is with the elite, the corrupt, those who ensure their influence is espoused in all of us.  POWER creates wars, death and destruction.

Think about what you have in your life – would you prefer clean water, breathable air, grass, trees, wildlife and LIFE or would you prefer being controlled and live under the guise of a democracy that doesn’t even exist?

It’s time for a REVOLUTION OF LOVE, it’s time for real change!  What are WE waiting for?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


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