Today, I am grateful that I am alive….I am grateful to be able to see, hear, touch, and smell.  I am happy and I am healthy.  What kind of energy are you attracting into your life?

If you really want to attract postive energy – you must think positively and eliminate anything that causes you worry, stress and grief.  Instead of beginning your day with misguided, negative news stories, turn off your television and play music that makes you happy and energizes you.  Don’t start your day with ‘I hate’, ‘I can’t’ or ‘I don’t want to’ instead, look forward to having a great and productive day.

Change negative situations into positive ones.  Remove the need to always be right to avoid argument.  Genuinely smile at people and thank them for their service.  Remove judgements that you may have about anyone – you do not know their story or the reasons that they are in the situations they are in.  Take note of how you speak and treat others.  Are you respectful, friendly, loving, compassionate and do your offer empathy?  Every time you think something negative or negatively of a situation, acknowledge it and change it to something positive.

  • There will always be light to remove the darkness.
  • Love will always conquer hate.
  • Peace will prevail over war.
  • There is only beauty in everything and everyone.

We are all from the same energy….we are all created from Source/God and that Source is a loving source.  Remove all the ideologies of traditional religion.  These ideas teach you to be fearful of whatever energy created us and that energy is negative energy. 

Keep telling yourself of the things you would like in your life instead of the things you don’t want.  Whenever you express that you don’t want something – that is what you will attract.  Keep telling yourself that you want love, happiness, joy, laughter, and health and that is what you will receive.  Remember to be of service to others without expecting anything in return. 

Don’t live life with endless worry, stress and anxiety instead, live for this moment because THIS moment is the only moment that counts.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!




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