Do you really understand the implications of the words you use, not only for the people you use them against, but for yourself?

How many times have you said something about someone or about a situation, such as; I hate you, you’re ugly, you’re fat, you are stupid, l hate that, I could never do that, why doesn’t he/she go on a diet, why are they wearing that, I am so unsuccessful, I don’t have any money, I hate my job….

Think about this:  What you are saying about something or someone is what you are saying about yourself.  The energy that you give out into the universe is the same energy that comes back to you.  So, all the judgements you put on others are really judgements you are putting onto yourself.  If you keep reflecting on how awful a person is – it is really you that you are talking about.  If you pre-occupy your time and harbour negative feelings about the current world situation – that is the same energy you will attract into your life.  Instead, focus on the positive.

When you wake up and start your day by saying, “I hate my job”, you are waking up and inviting negative energy to rule your day.  Why not wake up and start your day by being grateful that you still have breath in you and that you are still able to see, walk, talk, smell, taste and be alive?

We tend to focus so much on the negative aspects of life and the negative things that are going on in the world that this becomes the only thing we see and attract into our lives.  Don’t give any more power to those who view you or what you do in a negative light or how they judge others with that same negativity, let them work out their own issues.  Continue to love yourself, respect yourself, be kind to yourself and empower yourself and that will be the same things that you will attract into your life.

Tell yourself the following:

  • I am perfect as I am from God/Source
  • I am beautiful
  • I love myself
  • I am kind and compassionate
  • I deserve abundance because I come from love

I have learned to let go of the restraints of organized religion and have come to terms that ‘God’ is not fearful or wrathful.  God is love, God created us from love, He is all loving and we can see that when we connect with nature.  God is infinite, as we are, we are only shells occupying our bodies for a temporary moment in infinity.  God is Source/Universe, God is everything and everyone, God is love.  I self identify as an atheist who believes in a power that is greater than all of us, I call that power – Source/Universe, others call it God.  God is love and God wants positivity for all of us.  When you look at the stars, flowers, sky, trees, animals, people, oceans and everything else, you see God/Source/Universe.  See yourself in everything and in everyone and you too will start to connect to that infinite Source.

“We must be the change we wish to se in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!





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