By now, most of us have witnessed the destruction and horror that is taking place in Gaza.  The situation there is dire and has engaged many to debate the ongoing conflict.  I have engaged in debates with friends using social media like; Facebook and Twitter.  I have engaged in civil conversations about this issue but have also been on the receiving end of harsh criticism.  I have been called anti-Semitic, I have been told that I don’t know what I am talking about and that I don’t understand the history of the conflict.  My views have been taken out of context and in order for me to conform to a certain ideology – I my lifestyle was forced into the debate.

As I do not want to further create hostilities and engage in a debate of who is wrong or right, I want to clearly state my position of how I feel about this conflict and many others like it around the world:

“I am not PRO ISRAEL or PRO HAMAS.  I DO NOT agree with acts of terrorism and terrorist factions.  I DO NOT need to understand the history of this conflict in order to have empathy and compassion for those who are dying from the conflict.  I STAND FOR PEACE, LOVE and an end to this violence and the death of many innocent people.  That is my stand on this issue.”

I am not alone in my feelings about this – I have talked with many colleagues (of many different nationalities/religions) and most seem to agree that one IS NOT anti-Semitic just because they have empathy and compassion for innocent people dying.

Throughout my spiritual journey, I have found that being positive, loving, compassionate and empathetic allows one to live a more positive and happier life.  Sometimes it is difficult to engage in debate with people who don’t have those characteristics as it may be difficult for them to see ‘the other viewpoint’.  The lesson I have learned is that it is sometimes better to stop the debate than to allow the negativity and if the negativity continues – remove it.  What good will it do you and your state of mind by engaging in never-ending arguments in matters that even governments can’t solve?

Here are some statements and questions I have asked myself in order to live more positively:

  • Do not watch negative news or read negative newspapers.
  • Ask yourself:  Is (whatever situation) creating negative feelings within you?
  • What positive outcome can come from arguing?
  • Can you have a sensible and positive debate?
  • Are my personal feelings getting in the way of positive debate?
  • I live from LOVE and if I give LOVE, I will also receive LOVE.
  • Live with compassion, empathy and LOVE.
  • Treat others as you want to be treated.
  • Try not to judge others.

The above statements and questions have allowed me to recognize those who bring negative energy into my life.  With that recognition, I have been able to assess whether or not I want to move forward and have that energy in my life.  Usually, the answer is no, which I am perfectly comfortable with.  I remove the energy with love and hold no hard feelings towards those who harbour that energy.

Path To Loveimage (2)

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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