It’s time to forget the negative issues that are pressing on our minds.  Let go of them and clear your mind…if only for a moment.  Clear your mind and allow yourself to feel joy, love and to laugh.  Here are some videos that will ease the burden of hardship and allow you to live in the moment where nothing matters else matters except your enjoyment:

Kate (the Great Dane) and Pippin (Black tailed Deer)

Bubbles (dog) and Bella (elephant)

Cat and Dolphin

Owl and Cat

Leo the Lion, Sheer Khan the Tiger and Baloo the Black Bear

Allow yourself to relax by giving yourself moments to enjoy the simple things in life.  Enjoy the time you have and live in the moment – it is all you have, it is all WE have.

Wishing you all much love, health and happiness and know that……..

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


Many of us are motivated for various reasons – love, money, fame, fortune, greed, boredom, etc..  Have you ever asked yourself what motivates you to do the things you do?

Let me share with you why I am motivated to do the things that I do.

There was a time in my life where the only thing I cared about was myself.  What looked like, how I acted, who I chose as my companions, what I bought, where I ate….and so on.  Today, I have no concerns for any of these things.  The things that I find important have nothing to do with me but the well-being of those who are suffering.  So what are those things?  Human rights issues, animal rights and environmental protection.  Don’t get me wrong, I still care about my job, my husband and having clothing, food and shelter – but not in excess.

So how am I motivated for human rights issues, animal advocacy and the environment?  Let’s take a look.

Human Rights

Everyone deserves to be treated equally and have the same basic rights as everyone else.  The right to clean drinking water, food, shelter, equality, employment and health care.  Currently, the distribution of wealth favours those who already have huge sums of money.  They don’t struggle with health issues, losing their homes, losing their jobs or going hungry.  How is it that we still can’t protect women who seek to better their lives through education in some countries, homosexuals are subjected to imprisonment or even death in many countries around the world, why do we allow mass genocide in various countries around the world?  Why are so many impoverished men, women and children still without clean drinking water?  I meditate, I sign and share petitions, I donate and I education myself on many human rights issues so that I directly and indirectly create some positive change in the world.

Animal Advocacy

Animals do voice their concern – whether it is a loud cry from violence inflicted against them or grief from losing their kin.  They feel, they sense, they understand and have emotions as we do.  How is it that we respect and call dogs ‘man’s best friend’ and in the same breath eat the meat from a fish, pig or cow?  Cats and dogs are domesticated and farm animals are just that – farm animals.  I stopped eating meat for mostly ethical reasons (have you ever heard rabbits scream?) and a minor health issue.  I continue to learn about the amazing things animals do and am a proud PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) supporter.  I have learned to tone down my advocacy (even though those who eat meat continue to snicker and mock my lifestyle) but continue to share posts/blogs with others regarding the torture and violence that many animals continue to endure at the hands of humans.  What I learn – I share because, even if my message only reaches one person, that saves a life of an animal some where.

The Environment 

Without clean water, food and breathable air – there is no earth and there is no humanity.  End of story.  In the last hundreds years and throughout the industrial revolution, we have managed to wreak so much havoc on the planet that has allowed us to change the climate.  Our dependency on dirty oil has modified weather patterns across the globe.  The oceans are more acidic due to the increase in water temperatures, deforestation has allowed the increase in temperatures around the globe.  We are now witnessing more severe and destructions hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoons, wildfires, ice storms, floods and so on.  What is the solution?  Less.  Less of everything.  No more big SUV’s and trucks, less televisions, less materialistic things (they use much of earths resources), less meat consumption (the greatest environmental threat is factory farming), less travel, less polluting, less of everything.  Drastic, absolutely!  Necessary, you better believe it!  What am I doing to help our environment?  Well, for starters, I no longer contribute to factory farming as a vegan.  I am currently investigating and will be investing in solar panels for my major source of energy.  I will be buying an electric car as they don’t rely on dirty oil.  I make it a point to support companies that invest on green technology and sustainable energy.  I share and write blogs about corrupt companies who only care about the bottom line no matter at what cost.  I don’t support governments or political candidates who continue to support things such as the Alberta Tar Sands or drilling in the Arctic.  I don’t support and will cease to support any company that contributes to deforestation and polluting our waters.

My motivations are not due to greed, distraction, envy, the need to be famous, rich or powerful.  My motivations are directly linked with empathy for those who are less fortunate than I am, those who cannot speak for themselves and for a planet that is pushed to its limits.  I am motivated by my need to create positive change in my community, in my province, in my country and for my planet.  That is all.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!