You don’t have to be a scientist or zoologist to know and understand that animals have feelings – they don’t like to be chained, they cry out in pain when you hurt them, they don’t like to be alone and they would tell you all these things if they could talk.

Sea World is under much scrutiny due to the way they treat their whales and other captured mammals.  Circuses are under investigation for the use of bullhooks – a cruel method in training elephants and pharmaceutical laboratories and educational institutions are being forced to stop cruel and unneccessary animal testing.

People are not aware that factory farming is the biggest challenge to climate change – you need land, which causes deforestation, you need food to keep these animals alive and hormones to make them fatter.

Do people even think about how their food ends up on their plate – do they think about the treatment animals endure to become food, clothing or used for entertainment?  Animals are amazing creatures that can feel, think, and let us know when they are in discomfort….all you have to do to see this, is to look into their eyes:

Much can be said about a person in the way they treat and think of animals.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


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