Today’s Question To Ponder.

There are many questions that we seek answers for…..

  • What is the meaning of life?
  • What happens after we die?
  • Is there a God?
  • What is my passion?

Ony YOUcan answer these questions by looking within.  No one can answer why YOUR meaning of life is or what YOUR passion is.  People can speculate on what happens after we die or if there is a God, but they truly don’t know.  Think about questions you have that you are seeking answers for and release them into the universe, meditate on these question and seek answers from all of life’s energy source.

Today, I ask you this question:  Is ignorance bliss?

What is YOUR answer?  What images come to mind when you ponder this question.  Really think about it and look within and listen to your thoughts.  What will you do about it when you have your answer?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!