I have blogged about the amazing challenges the Lizzie Velasquez has faced and continues to face.  I have also created a Facebook page entitled – We Love Lizzie Velasquez, to share her story and to ask people to help her share her story on the Ellen Degeneres show.  (Please visit and join the Facebook page).

Today, I want to help create awareness for a project entitled The Lizzie Project by Sara Bordo.  The project – which is seeking funding on Kickstarter, aims to bring Lizzie’s story to life in a feature documentary.  This project can’t happen without our voices and without our generosity. 

Lizzie’s story relates to all who have been victimized by bullies regardless of age, sex, gender, colour, size and sexual orientation.  Also, bullying is not always face-to-face – cyber-bullying has become a new way of tormenting individuals.  Some of us have been fortunate enough to overcome the physical and emotional torture of our tormentors – others have not been as fortunate.  Matthew Shepard, Tyler Clementi, Charlotte Dawson, Jamey Rodemeyer, Megan Meirer, Amanda Todd, Rehtaeh Parsons, Audrie Pott, Ryan Halligan, Jonathan Hewitt and so many others to great in numbers to mention.

Lizzie’s story is important – it’s a message of tolerance and a clear message to those who bully that we will tolerate it no longer!  Too many have died for nothing more than who they love, what they look like, the colour of their skin, their weight, for being a woman, transgendered, poor and so many other reasons.

Let’s make Lizzie’s story happen and let’s send the world a message – hate and ignorance is not okay, judgements against others are not okay.  We must treat each other with love, compassion and kindness.

Here is Lizzie’s YouTube video for this campaign: 

For more information and to help support The Lizzie Project, please visit the official website on Kickstarter:

 If you are a victim of bullying – STAND STRONG and know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE – others, like you, have overcome their bullying and WE ALL stand behind you.  Should you need help – here are a list of resources:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!