Turn off the television – stop the distractions and live a more positive life.

We all know that we attract what we put out into the universe – so, if you keep watching the news (which is mostly negative and biased) this is all that will return to you.  What’s the alternative to being distracted with celebrity gossip, around the clock breaking news stories about missing plans, coups, political scandals, wars, failing economies and banks and big corporations destroying our planet?  How about piece of mind, clarity, the opportunity to discover new talents, using your free time to be with loved ones, discovering nature, learning, reading, etc….

Here is an experiment for you:  Turn off the television for 1 hour after you come home and try to do something else – something you normally would not do had the television been on.  I’m not talking about cooking, cleaning or reading gossip magazines.  Try something new, something you have never done or experienced before; meditation, walk by the beach or park, yoga, dance class, tai-chi or simply talking with your partner (and I don’t mean talking about work, celebrities and the such – get to REALLY know them again).  With each day – turn off the television for longer periods of time and discover other things.  Become passionate, learn, engage and become involved in creating positive change in the world. 

Once we connect to a more positive, loving, compassionate and kind vibration – that is all that we will receive.  Ask yourself – Wouldn’t life be much more enjoyable when you connect to energies that what to instill positive change into our world?  Love is REALLY the key ingredient in making the world a better place and you can’t connect to the vibration of love when you are distracted by the negative and distracting energies of media, corporations and corrupt governments.  Remove the distraction, awaken your soul and create real, positive change in the world.  What have you got to lose?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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